By Dave Weirdly
This and That
Some new characters are being introduced in the ASTRO MONK saga by the names of GLOP and GUN. A thought gel and a talking gun that needs to be held.
I really had fun with this page in particular the first six panels were a blast to draw!
They feel very expressive to me. I sort of thought about making them bigger for gallery exhibition { I used to show in galleries.} but I think their good as they are.
High and Low
It’s really odd but when I dropped out of the gallery scene and just did comics I would get ” Oh now your just an illustrator”. Well no… I’m still just an artist I would say. Finally things are changing comics and illustrative works are starting to be considered more on the same level as so called high art. You see shows of this work in museum’s and galleries now where as 15 years ago these same places would have turned up there nose at this art forum.
I think people’s love of this work has demanded that the art world take a more sympathetic eye. We do live in a world that anything can be art after all. I don’t make any distinction from so called low art and high art it’s all art to me.
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