
Unspoken Hindu Genocides and Ethnic Cleansing

Unspoken Hindu Genocides and Ethnic Cleansing

Translated by Rinita Mazumdar, PhD

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It seems like the media is filled with stories about global conflict with extraordinary violence and disdain for life. Society indeed seems like its on the brink of collapse with everything that makes us human being threatened by war, genocide, disease and famine. From Rinita Mazumdar, PhD comes a translation, with additional commentary and analysis, of Sandip Mukherji’s Noakhali 1946. Save $5 off of major online retailers!

Rinita Mazumdar, PhD

Rinita Mazumdar, Ph.D. is one of the leading feminist scholars in the Southwest. Originally from India, Dr. Mazumdar earned her Masters from India and Canada in Philosophy and MSc in Pscyhology from the University of Phoenix. She received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

Currently, she is an instructor of Philosophy and Women and Gender Studies at the Central New Mexico Community College and an affiliate Professor of Women Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of New Mexico. She has published books on Feminist and Gender theories. Her passion is poetry, art, and music. er Masters from India and Canada in Philosophy and MSc in Psychology from the University of Phoenix. She got her Ph.D. in Philosophy from University of Massachusetts in Amherst. She is an instructor of Philosophy and Women and Gender Studies at the Central New Mexico Community College and an affiliate Professor of Women Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of New Mexico.

Foreword For a New World

Noakhali 1946 Cover

“Evil comes in many forms – guns and swords are lethal – and so are lies for our
psychological wellbeing because it is a weapon to deceive people. Life truly begins when falsehood ends. Courage comes not from running away from painful past but confronting the difficult past…This book on Noakhali by Sandip Mukherjee, translated into English by Rinita Mazumdar helps us remember what must never be forgotten.” From the Foreword to Sandip Mukherji’s Noakhali 1946, translated by Rinita Mazumdar, PhD.

Dr. Lakshmi Bandlamudi
Professor, City University of New York

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Cultural Hegemony & Untold Genocides

Be sure to catch up to Dr. Mazumdar’s blog, Cultural Hegemony & Untold Genocides by Rinita Mazumdar PhD. In a world where cruelty is the norm, solutions can be found to societies ills in truth and reconciliation.

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