The Benefits of Neem Oil by A.J. Roché
Neem oil is considered a vegetable oil that is pressed from the fruits and seeds of the Neem, (known as introduced to other areas of the tropics over time). The color of neem oil can vary from golden yellow, yellowish brown, dark brown, greenish brown or bright red. The odor is quite strong¸combining thescents of peanut and garlic. This oil is not used to cook with because of its distinct odor and tatste. The Indian culture uses neem oil to prepare cosmetics such as hair products, soaps, body hygiene creams and hand creams.
In Ayurvedic, Unani and folklore traditional medicine, neem oil is used to treat skin diseases, fevers, rheumatic disorders, inflammations and is also known as a natural insecticide and insect repellent. When used in the household as a repellent it can deter and rid your home of bedbugs, cockroaches, sand flies, ants, snails, mosquitos and termites, to name a few, as well as rid your home of black spots, rust fungi and powdery mildew. It is not known to be harmful to honey bees, earthworms, butterflies, ladybirds(lady bugs), birds and mammals.
Other uses for Neem Oil
Neem has so many beneficial properties. In this blog I will talk about neem oil and the skin. The most popular neem products are neem soap and neem shampoo. These products are known to lighten scars, soothe and moisturize dry cracked skin, treat and prevent acne, boils, ulcers, head lice, and If your skin issue is due to some kind of parasite, fungus or infection, neem can treat that as well. It has been known to relieve and prevent re-occurrence of skin issues such as eczema and rosacea. Check out www.discoverneem.com for a full description of neem oil, its uses and its components! The top neem benefit is that it allows you to avoid harsh chemicals and insecticides.
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A.J Roche’ is a massage therapist and the Author of the bilingual multimedia book Fiona the Funkadelic Freckle Fairy available in digital and print format. Read more about her
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