By DJ Flo Fader
Motivation seems to be 1 of the most said words from my mouth. Some people hear from me so much that they called it a flo-ism! It has so many meanings. For example: to leave, to hurry up, or to spread positive energy with willful actions.
There’s so much out there that motivates me daily. Some main things are family and friends. I have an awesome network of people that keep me on my P’s and Q’s. People from the Northeast like Wali, Alex Paramo, J live, eMC, Slow, Jireh, and Chris A to name a few. My Albuquerque network also keeps me on my toes. Shout out too: Shell Shorty, Khalil, Ben, Kent with HighDefEntertainment | AffinityMusicGroup, and Warehouse 508.
With that being said there’s another main thing that keeps my drive high, the Internet. Video content is now one of the most used ways to express or share individual Motivation. I watch and listen daily to what djs, producers, musicians and artist do to inspire me. I then hit the studio and execute!
Find out what gets you off track and get rid of it/them. Find out what motivates you (people, music, art, etc) and surround yourself with them. Once you got your “team” set, you are ready to blast off to new heights.
Be on the lookout for more videos and content soon.
To find out when and where Im I’ll be preforming follow me on Facebook.
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DJ Flo Fader
DJ Flo Fader is currently the subject of a Multimedia Book project that will bring his biography to life through music, photography, and literature: The Grand Fantastic Life of Flo Fader will be published in the Spring, 2015 by Community Publishing.
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
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