The Sun…the Universal Healer by A.J. Roché

A.J. Roché
Remember the bliss you feel when your winter-weathered skin feels its first days of warm rays! Remember the agony of a mid-summer sunburn. From one extreme to another, I would like to invite you to bask in the glow of the happy medium known as sun-kissed!
Contrary to popular belief, the sun IS GOOD for you and does not particularly cause cancer! Chemical imbalances, stress and the
wrong diet is what causes cancer. It is actually recommended that
one gets at least thirty minutes of raw sunlight on the whole body daily (preferably with minimal clothing). (Start with ten minutes if you are sensitive to the sun or sit in the sun with clothes on)! The sun has many healing properties and is crucial when fighting disease or illness. It converts cholesterol into vitamin D, which is a micro-nutrient that helps protect you against various types of cancer, as well as psoriasis, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Oh…Now I See!!!….

The eyes absorb energy from the sun’s light, so wearing sunglasses all of the time limits the opportunity to receive healing energy. Generally, sunglasses should only be worn while driving and prolonged periods of sun exposure. (If your eyes are light sensitive, try to go a few minutes without sunglasses when the sun is low!)
To Screen or not to Screen?
Fair skinned people will burn faster in the sun but they still need to absorb sunlight. If you are going to be in the sun longer than half an hour, it is recommended that you choose a natural sunscreen from the health food store. (It should be applied 10-30 minutes AFTER raw sun time.) The ingredients in mass-produced sunscreens contain heavy metals, aluminum and other toxins that are harmful when absorbed into the body. These chemicals can penetrate deep below the surface of the skin where they act as ‘endocrine disrupters’, which is linked to breast cancer and other hormone related cancers. They also allow solar radiation into the bloodstream where they can create harmful free radicals, which could damage our DNA! Chemical sunscreens may aggravate allergies such as asthma, eczema and other skin problems. Experts agree sunscreens prevent skin aging, but not particularly skin cancers.
To Shine Some Light on the Subject…

While there is much debate about the sun and all its pros and cons, only you know you! So soak up some sun, but do not allow yourself to burn! Use all natural sunscreens and sunglasses only when in prolonged periods of sun exposure! Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water! This will help you maintain a healthy sun-kissed glow! Now glow on with your bad self!
Love and…LIGHT!
A.J Roche’ is an Author and Creative Collaborator at Community Publishing. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities. #JoinOurCommunity at
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