By Dave Weirdly
In my last blog article I touched on the idea of how many places your mind goes when you build a story. Last weeks page had the themes of perceptions of villiany and the transformation of those that do want to change their ways.
This weeks page deals with thoughts of loneliness and being distracted by loneliness so much so that you almost miss opportunities that arise. While your making all this stuff up your thoughts, depending on your mood, will really engage with these ideas. These ideas cause me to stop and say, “Yeah right, this is an entertaiment a funny book,” but I really do know that it/they mean more to me.
The Risk
ASTRO MONK was conceived to be more on the absurd side of things. But it is actually about more than pure entertainment or absurdity. I am speaking to the above ideas and more. Whether or not that will be felt by anybody but me will be the test of the story when it’s done. It’s the risk you take when you star something like this. So it could be something good for everyone or a learning lesson for me. Either way it’s a good thing to do if you are driven to do it.
- Page 14
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