In a previous article, I briefly addressed what I call “The Tyranny Of The Mind”, that internal voice filled with doubts and insecurities that constantly threatens to take away one’s true power. My main point is that true power does not rest in the hands of those to whom power is typically attributed. No doubt the wielders of power in the world have the ability to exert a profound impact on the lives of many, to take away freedoms, even to end lives. But the power that I am speaking of is a quality of being that no amount of force or abuse of so-called power, can touch or take away.
Surviving Atrocity
It is an internal source of strength that stands solid, no matter the circumstances. It is the kind of strength exhibited by such individuals as Victor Frankl, a survivor of the Holocaust and the author of /Man’s Search For Meaning./ He tells of his experience of having everything taken away and being imprisoned in the concentration camps, but one thing remained – “the last of the human freedoms – to chose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. And there were always choices to make. Every day, every hour, offered the opportunity to make a decision, a decision which determined whether you would or would not submit to those powers which threatened to rob you of your very self, your inner freedom.” He went on to say, “man’s inner strength may raise him above his outward fate.”
Untapped Power
It is easy, in times like these, to see the threatening external forces of tyranny out there, preparing to come and snatch away our freedoms. What is much more difficult to see are the internal forces of tyranny that are, day in and day out, mounting their assault on our own true inner power. Those forces take on many forms, often times showing up in very subtle ways that fool us into believing the “propaganda” of our own disempowerment, of our victimhood to all manner of circumstances, injustices and unfairness levied upon us by the world, or the perceived limitations of our situation and environment. But, the truth is, there exists within our minds untapped power to achieve far more than what we imagine.
In my mind, I envision a world where individuals, worldwide, engage in the difficult work of building up their inner strength, overthrowing the Tyranny Of The Mind, and seizing their true power, such that the scales of justice, peace, cooperation, and freedom tip in favor of an unparalleled level of human achievement.
Impossible Dreams
In my mind, it is only through individual self empowerment that we will forever throw off the chains of external tyranny and abuse of power, and come together to form a more perfect union – a union of truly empowered individuals working toward a common good and the achievement of a universal harmony of being and doing. Yes I know, many will brush this away as mere fantasy, as utopian wishful thinking. But that is nothing more than the propaganda of those ruled by fear, mistrust, and insecurity. I know it’s possible, because I see evidence all around that whatever we can think of, dream up, or imagine, we can accomplish. The end result may not always look exactly like we expected, but look around you. Our world is filled with things that once were but fantasy and “impossible dreams”.

Get Up! Stand Up!
So, what will it be? Will you ignite the burning fire within yourself to rise up and overthrow the tyrant in your own mind? It will take work. It will require constant daily practice. It will demand of you that you not give way to the soul sucking distractions all around you, but instead that you get up and stand up for your power to be and do what only you can be and do. Only in this way will we achieve the “impossible dream” of a world that benefits all.
Thank you all for the time and attention given to this blog. I value it highly. Keep your eyes open for more of my content coming your way soon. Big love to you all!
Remember to always Get up! Stand Up!
Rev Le Rev – Sun Journey Enterprise –
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