By Alex Paramo
*Editors Note: Portions of this article ran originally in this article by Alex Paramo
The benefits of shopping local are well documented and publicized. For example according to the organization Keep It Querque,
“Your dollar recirculates 254% more when you spend it with a Local Retailer. When you dine at a Locally Owned Restaurant your dollar recirculates 287% further.” Therefore a 10% shift would add an additional $179 million to the local economy each year.
Local Business

Click Image for more benefits of shopping local
Community Publishing is committed to promoting local arts while promoting literacy in our community(s). We work in creative collaborations with artists of all mediums (Illustrators, Photographers, Musicians, DJ’s, Poets, Animators, etc.,) utilizing local Audio Engineers, Voice Actors, Music Studios, Translators, etc., which culminate in multimedia books (Princess Marisol & the Moon Thieves, Fiona the Funkadelic Freckle Fairy). Our business model is also collaborative and equitable, with creative talent sharing royalties equally.
Community Benefits

Click Image for more info
There are many misconceptions when it comes to shopping local such as having to pay more for goods. These are mostly false. Additionally, your patronage allows for local-shops to keep their prices down. Click image to the left for more info. The benefits of shopping local go far beyond the economic benefits to the consumer and shop-keeper. Benefits such as building personal relationships with your neighbors, building a sustainable environment, building a more intimate community, building a vibrant community of friends and family knowing that your patronage improves the quality of their lives and yours as well.
Holiday Shopping
Remember before you decide where you shop this holiday season, ask yourselves, what would you like to see your community look and feel like. You can help make your community a vibrant place, resplendent with small businesses, thriving with local arts, with community-members participating in the overall health of the community. Please consider our books available in both traditional print and multimedia book versions (click here for info).
Thank you to Keep It Querque for data and graphics!

Alex Paramo
Alex Paramo is an Author and Co-Founder of Community Publishing. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
We are proud to be a community partner and digital marketer at the Rail Yards Market.
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