Martin Luther King Jr spoke of the Myth of Time as the belief that only time will heal the racial injustices in our country or anywhere else in the world. This is a fallacy that is starkly revealed in the current chaos unfolding in our country, some 50+ years after King spoke of it. The time is NOW! Whether we are talking about solving the problems of racial injustice, environmental degradation, political corruption, or the personal problems and challenges of our day to day lives, THE TIME IS NOW!
Time Savers
There is another fallacy tied to the Myth of Time, and that is that there is plenty of it. There is not. It is a limited resource, and there is a definite point in time, when you will run out of your supply. So, you best consider how you use your time, and find the way that will empower you to utilize your allotted portion toward the betterment of yourself, and your society.

There is the fallacy of saving time. Time cannot be saved. There is no savings account for time, where you can tuck some of your time allotment away to be accessed at a later date. Of course, the idea that you can save yourself some time, by cutting out unnecessary steps, or time consuming endeavors, appears logical on the surface, but the reality is, you aren’t saving time, you are in fact applying your use of said time in a wiser and more effective manner. As such, it is wise to consider carefully the actions that one choses to take, in working on solutions to large and complex problems like racial injustice, environmental degradation and political corruption, as well as, the difficulties and challenges that we face in our individual lives. This is not to suggest delaying action, it is to suggest that we look carefully to determine the courses of action that best serve the development of real and lasting solutions to said problems.
Free and Mindful
FREE your mind ~ POWER up ~ LIFT up ~ yourself and those around you that our most spectacular selves may shine. Remember that even in the vast darkness of space there are billions of points of light. Be a point of light and use your allotted portion of time to shine. This short video I created brings a bit of levity to addressing this last fallacy. I hope that it will bring a little laughter and joy into your life during this time of darkness and sorrow for so many of us.
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