Art In Our City: Creating Pride & Identity by Stephanie Galloway
It is important to take pride in the place you live because it creates a desire to take care of and feel positive about your surroundings. If you we feel good about the place we go about our daily activities in we can know that we are doing our part to make a living space that reflects the joy and excitement we are feeling on the inside.
Sharing art in our city through participating in Free Art Friday Albuquerque is an opportunity to express your love and respect for your community. Albuquerque has a vibrant creative community with many talents that are unique to our city! You have the power to inspire others to get in touch with their creativity through your generous random act of art!
Free Art Friday strives to inspire artists to be a positive sharing force in every community. Please consider being a positive force in the place you live by sharing your talents with others you make your town and world a better place to be.
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Stephanie Galloway is from Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has been writing poetry since she was a child and still loves to explore the magic in words and their power to touch others deeply. She taught art to children as the Children Zone Leader of the Rail Yards Market and is the founder of Free Art Friday Albuquerque.
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities. We are proud to be a community partner and digital marketer at the Rail Yards Market.
Community Publishing: From the Community For the Community
Pride in the Name of Love
Pride in the Name of Love by Alex Paramo
Since this article was originally written our nation has elected a new leader. A man whose hate-filled speech is on the record and that he continues to employ in the White House. His ascension to power has, in some quarters, mobilized the liberal and progressive movements against him and those who support his rhetoric. Now more than ever we need to utilize the relationships inherent in our common humanity to spread the power of love.
This portion of the article was originally published on 06/24/16
n light of the Orlando tragedy our natural inclination might be toward despair and sadness. We should be sad but also motivated. Motivated to not let fear drown out courage, not let hate drown out love. It never can and it never will. We are all one family and one consciousness whether you subscribe to it or not. Therefore doing harm to one is doing harm to all but the collective energy of love heals and give us the strength to forge new realities and help us slowly come back into balance.
Whatever the overt motivation of the murderer, the covert motive is always hate. The only way to defeat hate is through unity. Unity brings folks together from all walks of life. United in this human experience we must move past stereotypes, past fear.
I read a thoughtful article in the Albuquerque Alibi, “Silent No More” by Ty Bannerman, where I discovered the story of Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben who helped train George Washington’s Army during the American Revolution. Von Steuben was gay, and his story has been unfortunately hidden as have been the stories of thousands of other men and women who fought and/or served honorably in the U.S. armed forces.
Bannerman’s article discusses the new monument at the New Mexico Veterans Memorial Park that will openly honor LGBT veterans. Despite the fact that it is long overdue, I am proud of New Mexico and hope that other States follow suit.
We must bond together as a nation, and as people in the global sense with the message of love. It is our natural inclination to work together and ultimately our salvation.
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Community Publishing: From the Community For the Community