Hey I’m performing artist Nick FuriouStylz of Bandwidth No Name and I have taken on the responsibility to produce a regular blog and I have accepted this with great honor.
NM Music Scene
As a 17 year veteran of the Albuquerque music and art scene there is inspiration everywhere you turn. The privilege to be able to meet and interact with this teeming world had widened the scop of my vision tremendously. To see the world though the eyes of a poet and hip hop artist is a blessing. Let me tell you why…
Hip hop is that universal language that speaks across borders and as an ADHD Anglo kid from a middle class background it also opened up my tolerance and acceptance of others cultures, beliefs and viewpoints. Inspiration for life is sometimes difficult to attain and with musical inspiration the path becomes more clear with each passing moment of time invested and each piece of art created. My 505 peers have set the bar high for success and impact and I thank them all for their tireless effort.
Rapping Poetry Lyrics
During my journey I have expanded my abilities from a rapper to a lyricist/poet and song writer/studio engineer/content creator/podcast producer/ promoter/organizer/director/teacher and all around performer. These are the tools necessary to find continued success and be able to sustain relevance one must be self sufficient, strong and self motivated. This blog will be in the format of teaching those who are up and coming some tricks of the trade and also share ideas that are helpful in building an underground art empire.
Best advice I can give at this point is to use your resources, embrace your peers and be willing to work hard. This is my lesson to impart on this, my first ever, blog.
Nick “Furious” Meyers
CEO FuriousStylz Entertainment
And BNN Music
Nick “Furious” Meyers is a longtime veteran of the New Mexico Music scene. Nick has worked with Community Publishing in the past, having served as the Audio Engineer on the multimedia children’s book, Fiona the Funkadelic Freckile Fairy. Nick is currently working working as the Audio Engineer on the Animated multimedia book, Bella the Caterpillar (written by 7yr old Marisol Paramo) to be published in the late Fall by Community Publishing: From the Community For the Community!
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
We are proud to be a community partner and digital marketer at the Rail Yards Market.
#JoinOurCommunity at http://communitypublishing.org