Cancers, Tumors and Cysts by A.J. Roché
Tens of thousands of people have been able to reverse the worst types of cancer by using dietary principals from naturopathic medicine. In this blog I will give you a protocol to follow if you find yourself face to face with this disease. The first step to healing is to be positive and have faith. Believing that you can and will heal gets you closer to the road to recovery. The second step is the commitment to eat the right kinds of foods, such as herbs, mushrooms and specific veggies until the cancer is gone.
Starting each day with a phytochemical-rich vegetable smoothie (50oz) and eating meals like watercress salads, steamed asparagus and fermented cabbage. One hardboiled egg or sardines are fine but no rice, starches, sweet fruit milk products or sugar. Sugar is the bodies archenemy when it comes to fighting off cancer!
There are seven guidelines in this cancer healing protocol. I will discuss these guidelines weekly and provide a recipe from one of the Qi Gong books I have purchased from Press on Qi Productions.
#1 Mushroom Tonic Water and Immune Boosting AHCC
As soon as you rise in the morning, take four 16oz bottles of distilled water and put 1 dropper full of wild reishi into each bottle. Next, put 25 drops of Atlas Agaricus Ekismate in each bottle. If there are financial limitations use the Agaricus Bio which is a slightly lower strength. After all drops are added to water bottles, cap them and shake them. Drink one bottle immediately upon waking/making, along with 8 capsules of AHCC on an empty stomach. Consume the other three bottles periodically spread throughout the day.
*Agaricus Blazei and Reishi Mushroom
These mushrooms are proven safe and are considered the most powerful in regards to strengthening the immune system. They possess powerful anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties.
*AHCC or Active Hexose Correlated Compound
This is known as the #1 alternative cancer supplement in Japan. AHCC increases natural killer (NK) cells activity by 300-800%! It may also increase macrophage activity by 200% and cytokine production.
(Olympian Labs brand)
Cancer/Immune Function Recipe
*”Cream of Shitake” Prep time: 60 min Serves: 4 Coconut Fat Per Serving: 24g
2 cup water
2 1⁄2 cups shitake mushroom caps
1 1⁄2 cups black fungus mushrooms, cut
1⁄2 onion
3 cloves garlic
1 1⁄2 cups vegetable broth
1/8 tsp. thyme
1 tsp salt
1⁄4 tsp pepper
1⁄4 cup coconut oil
1 cup coconut milk
Saute’ mushrooms, onions, seasonings and garlic in coconut oil over medium high heat for about 10 minutes or until mushrooms soften slightly. Reduce your heat to medium low and add vegetable broth and water. Cover and simmer 20 minutes, stirring often. After 20 minutes, add coconut milk and simmer another 10 minutes. Set the soup aside to cool a little, then add to the blender and blend for one cycle. Serve warm.
A.J Roche’ is an Author and Creative Collaborator at Community Publishing. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities. #JoinOurCommunity at
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