By Dave Weirdly
With this week being Halloween I would like to talk about Frankenstein. One of my favorite books and movies. Written by Mary Shelley between the age of 19 and 20 which is unbelievable. Later adapted to film by a not much older James Whale. Who gave Frankenstein’s Monster his flat head. An amazing design choice. Again mixing organics with a hard geometric plane makes for a striking image. Thats in part how I designed the Awakener. Both are synthetic creatures brought into existence by their creators. And both asking the question why? Why did you make me? Why do I exist? And later, No! I will not do as I’m told!
The Frankenstien Monster made the decision to destroy those around him. The Awakener made the decision to procreate. Both decisions threatened the culture in which they were rooted. So monsters they become. The Frankenstein Monster was wronged by being made such a wretch. Making him incapable of forming relationships. Out of revenge he destroyed his creators relationships. I have nothing so shall you. The Awakener just wants something it can relate to as well. Which threatens those around it. Both are tragic. Both have our sympathies. I find that interesting because the monsters almost become the heroes.
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