By Dave Weirdly
The AWAKENER is in full-blown exile now, drifting away in space without a future. This page for some reason seems to affect people. I’m not sure why. It also affected me after I finished it. It was a stand out page.
Was it the composition, dialog or just the way I drew it? I have gotten responses back on the Social Networks I’m on about this page. Also it came up on a Podcast I just did a few weeks ago. I guess it’s sort of sad,funny and relatable all at once. Or maybe it touches on the outsider in all of us.
I remember a scene from a movie who’s name I can’t recall. One of the characters was a quiet guy and he was at a Christmas Party at night and the snow was falling. He went outside and looked in the window at the people at the Christmas Party and just watched them. This scene has always stayed with me and maybe this is in part what influenced the mood of this page. An outsider looking in or inward is probably more the word. Reflection is a good thing. It ends up giving the AWAKENER some insight. I think we all could use some time to step away from the party and reflect.
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