Behind the Senses by Ana Romero Sanchez
I have often come across the question, “what is an artist?” and the answers are numerous and debated heatedly. I’ve come to the conclusion that the definition of an artist is something rather simple. An artist is someone who has not forgotten how to create a world through imagination. Last night I spent the evening with the cast of Princess Marisol & the Moon Thieves, a FUSION Theatre Company Production based on the multimedia children’s book by Community Publishing’s, Alex Paramo. I have never experienced the behind the scenes action of a stage production and what I found was a room of players creating the very thing that we strive to find again once childhood is gone. No wonder those who fall into theatre are consumed by it. It is as near to the wonder of childhood as we adults can venture.

The Play
The Director, Laurie Thomas, is the leader of the play. And by play, I mean the creative fun that is unfolding among all of the players. It is fantastically the same as watching a group of children organize their make believe world. Laurie’s ideas seem to tumble forth, a shimmering river of imagination. Her playmates joyfully and wondrously and elegantly follow her lead.

The players spindle playwright’s, Jen Silverman’s, script into a magical reality. For the moments that they are on stage, they shed their daily identities, and become Marisol, The Moon, the Otter, the traveling musicians, El Raton, and the Wise Woman.

The Score
Music, directed by Keith Sanchez, ties the play together; the vivacity behind the action on stage, it takes the emotion of each player and shares it with the audience.

So what is an artist? It is those someones who keep close to them, and never let go, that which makes life magnificent.

The Book
You can get the original multimedia story of Princess Marisol & the Moon thieves by clicking here. Get acquainted with these incredible characters and then watch them come to life on stage. Princess Marisol & the Moon Thieves, produced by Dennis Gromelski, is a FUSION Theatre Company Production.

Ana Romero Sanchez and Keith Sanchez are combining their creative talents for the forthcoming multimedia eBook, “A Collection of Human Noise – Anthology” to be published by Community Publishing. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
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