Have you ever been so discouraged, so tired and so far to the end of your rope that you just wanted to throw yourself on the floor and not get up? I have many, many, times quite literally
thrown myself on the floor and not wanted to get up, but eventually I did. I dragged my feet at first but gained my strength back and was able to push
through. However, there were definitely those times where I did give up and even ran away. I have done my fair share of avoiding in my lifetime. I still indulge in ignoring and avoiding from time to time when the volume gets to loud on life. I would very much like to turn the volume down, but life goes pulsing on with or without you.
There were the times though that I pushed through and I conquered and these were the times that I expanded and felt completely empowered. I am grateful for the times that I have been relentless in life, because when I truly want something I never give up on it. One of the things that I have truly wanted was to be patient, but patience comes at a very high price for me. Patience comes with practice and I didn’t know what this meant until I slowed down long enough to see what I was really running from. I was running away from all of the things that I thought made me feel weak or unlovable. Most of us have the goblin in the closet that feeds us lies under the door. He tells us that there is some “imperfection” that we have that is going to ruin us if anyone finds out. Make us unlovable and ugly in the eyes of others. As long as we don’t think we are ugly, that is the important thing.
If the greatest successes in life were easy to reach then everyone would be on top of the world. It takes strength, perseverance, and determination to climb the peaks that hold the deepest treasures of life. At the top of the mountain there is a wise old sage and he is holding a mirror and eventually we see that we were there all along. To be with one’s self through this entire journey of life is ineffable. So after running for a long time, I find that I would rather sit and see what happens when I finally catch up to myself. I will be waiting for me at the top of the mountain having tea with the wise old sage.
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Pan Bourcier Hidalgo is a Dancer who is originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico. She has relocated and embarked on a journey of discovery in New Orleans, Louisiana. Join her as she learns about her new city and herself in Pan’s Labyrinth!
Every cliché that you have ever heard in your life is true. Although in times of high emotion it is highly unnecessary to quote a universal truth, because we don’t need to state with words what we feel to be true. One of the most quoted truths is to follow your heart and following suit with that is that love is all you need. These are symbiotic, but who wants to sound like a Beatles record? (unless you are of course a Beatle..beetle?)
All too often we get caught up in trying to conceptualize what it means to be a human that exists in time and space atop a spinning rock that is colliding through the universe. I used to think that I was crazy when I would follow love, even if it took me across the country (or world for that matter). However, those journeys have been the most exciting rides of my life and have taught me the most valuable lessons.
The universe speaks to us in a language that we can understand; we have an inherent desire to experience love through another being, this brings us to such a tremendously full and present state that there is no other place that one would rather be when they are in that place. It is a full bodied, blissful place that leaves us feeling suspended in time. The moment our analytical mind comes in it brings us crashing to the floor wondering what happened.
This is something that I have been mulling over and sitting with and the end result is that as feeling beings we should follow bliss but follow it unabashedly and blindly. It will lead you to the
greatest lessons and greatest moments of your life. I am not saying that you will be skipping in daises and sliding down rainbows the whole time but ultimately it will lead you to having a deeper, more meaningful relationship with yourself and the world you experience.
Traveling to different geographical places puts us in a different time and space with ourselves. We have different mirrors that echo our reflection. It creates different lenses to see the world (and essentially ourselves) through. This place just so happened to be New Orleans for me. I realized that there is no wrong way to do anything; life is about discovery and experiences. Do everything the exact way that YOU would do it. Not the way your mom would, not the way your dad would, not the way your friends would, but the way that you would. Your individual style of living life fully is valid and truest to yourself.
Explore, discover, try new things, but most of all follow love blindly- it will lead you to yourself.
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Pan Bourcier Hidalgo is a Dancer who is originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico. She has relocated and embarked on a journey of discovery in New Orleans, Louisiana. Join her as she learns about her new city and herself in Pan’s Labyrinth!
For many people the passing of time comes with an accumulation of experiences and thoughts. Many of us have often thought, “If I knew then what I know now.” The opportunity to transmit lessons and wisdom exists in everyday life if you engage your elder family, friends and neighbors.
The Rail Yards Market provides the perfect venue to engage elders in the community. A typical Sunday consists of a crowd that attracts families with kids to our elder community. Come down and enjoy what they have planned:
In the Children’s Zone, The Children’s Grief Center will be leading the kids on making inspirational tags. The Children’s Grief Center provides special support services for young people after the death of a loved one. They will be making Inspirational tags with kids: Have you ever had a time when it was hard to get your day started? Kids who are grieving often don’t want to go to school or take part in regular activities. With this activity kids will decorated special tags with inspiring words, pictures, or quotes such as, “be yourself,” “have a good day,” “don’t forget people love you.” These tags can be strung together to make a mobile to hang by a bed or mirror to remind kids to have a good day.
The featured artist in the Art Gallery is Clariessa Hayward. Clariessa is a local artist in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She will be demonstrating the tie-dye process and displaying her tie-dye creations on Sunday 9/13 at the the ABQ Rail Yards Market STEAM Zone. You can find examples of her work on Etsy under ToothysTrinkets.
There is a jam packed schedule of talented local entertainment on our main stage including the Rail Yards Market very own Stephanie Galloway (program coordinator) and her band Stephanie and Ava. For complete schedule please click here.
Officially National Senior Citizens Day is August 21. At the Rail Yards Market they value senior citizens and their contributions every Sunday, if you are an elder come on down and share your stories, all are encouraged to attend and participate at this community-powered event! See You Sunday!
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Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as Multimedia Books while promoting literacy in our communities.
Had you met me a few years ago I would have rode the emotional drag-strip till I burned the wheels off for you.
My heart would have found every excuse to make you mine, that you were the one and that all the pain would be worth it.
I would have pretended that all the excuse you would make were ok and that it didn’t hurt me.
I would have justified your disgraceful and disrespectful behavior to keep our fire burning.
I would have believed that my love would have been enough to inspire the change necessary to keep our relationship healthy.
Every grin and wink I would believe and they would have been enough and would have keep feeding me hope.
Our sex life would have been all the assurance I needed to rationalize the reasons my heart would hang on to love only real behind closed doors.
I would have never seen that your inconsistent behavior would break down my integrity and destroy my sanity and would never have seen how you make me feel unwelcome and blame it on me being crazy.
I would have found our story in the lyrics of every song and cried myself to sleep countless nights.
I would have destroyed my health and beauty for you.
But I’ve been there before, many times in fact. I’ve grown and I see your nature a mile away. I lived front row tickets to the shit show and I see clearly the danger you pose to my growth.
I see that your lack of empathy is not a result of me not trying, it’s about you not being accountable for your poor behavior and actions.
I see that your darkness is your responsibility to integrate into your person because you helped me see that in myself.
I see now that it is a choice we are all capable of making whether to live like we say we want to and I critically scrutinize your actions.
Your excuse making and blaming leave a putrid, acrid sting in the back of my jaw and I can’t help but cringe at your attempt to impress me.
The man who earns my affection will show me he worships my fire without making it a burden.
The man who I give my deepest intimacy to will not destroy my kitchen while making me a bad cup of tea which was given half-heartedly and demand the entitlements of his hard work because he believes he is the best chef on the planet.
The man who I find will not be intimidated by the fierce and beautiful power of my divine feminine. On the contrary, he will flourish in it and nurture it. He will not be afraid to find his strength in mine.
We both have a story and a road traveled that has brought us here but the fact is, the guy sitting at the bar next to you is being an asshole. You don’t care if his dog died, all you know is he’s an asshole.
I’m truly sorry that the pain of your journey still controls you and has left you who you are today.
If I didn’t accept my equal part in the equation I would have never recognized you off the bat. I’ve been forcing your kind to dance with me for far to long. I’ve graciously opened the door to my heart and allowed you to track your muddy boots prints all over it before.
I didn’t know what I was doing then. I didn’t know when I offered you the chance that I would pay with the depths of my being. The emotional longing to be with you still haunts me though I know I would never take that risk again.
I don’t regret who I was. I don’t regret taking the chance. I don’t regret letting you into my world. I’m glad I did and I wouldn’t change my past or who it caused me to be.
The pain you inflicted upon me taught me. The need to defend my sanity to your insanity forced me to see my own dysfunctions. You gave me the greatest gift of all. The strength of 10,000 armies to conquer the emotional torments of hell. Your unseen manipulation shattered me to pieces and caused me to rise. My heart and mind burn hotter and brighter than they ever have. You challenged me to learn from my mistakes. I am now the conduit to the heart of the universe. Thank you for hurting me.
Who you were in my life still aches in my bones but you helped me to remember who I am and what I need, what I want, and what I truly deserve.
So in parting I give you these words.
I pray you learn from what you do to women and that you don’t do that to the next heart that givesblindly and unguarded to you. I pray you find the same sight I have. I pray you learn the meaning of the words integrity, honor, empathy, compassion, and respect. I pray that you fully understand and emulate what they mean into the core of your being. I pray you learn to give the way that I did. I pray you receive everything you deserve in this life.
Grateful & Sincerely, The One Who Got Away
This was inspired by a reading I don’t know where that said to write a letter to those who have hurt you. I believe it was a textbook from a Central New Mexico Community College class. The title of my letter was Dear Ambivalent Man. I recently found another blog at www.elepahantjournal.com which reminded me of the letter I wrote. With the inspiration from Lisa Vallejos, PhD, I was able to complete my letter. I invite you to write your own letters and post them here on my blog. Please share if you need to. I pray for your healing and sight as well.
– Chessa Peak
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Chessa Peak has been in New Mexico since the age of 4 and is an honorary New Mexican. A bartender of over 10 years in the Duke City, musician, entrepreneur, and current student at CNM, Chessa is now currently working towards her own non-profit group that will support literacy, art and music programs for Albuquerque residents and her immediate community. Having come through a negative past, her writings deeply reflect the nature of her personal struggles in an attempt to help others overcome their personal battles.
Ulcers. Something I have never endured but I find that the effect will show in my writing as I have one now due to many a thing. Worry and stress, tooth pain, no money, single motherhood and a constant guilt that stems from no absolute place all play a part in the pain. However, I feel it has led me to pondering and action and may be only a smaller hurdle in the face of all that is happening in life.
I am left wondering just how things have gotten so stressful, though I know the process well for I have been working on it for the last fourish years. It began with a simple decision… moving to New Mexico. Some think my decision was a selfish one because being in love was involved. My oldest two children, living with their father after the divorce due to me being poor on my own, lived in Washington as did I before my move. They didnt understand and neither did I if I am to be honest, but we are very much still close and share the deep love only mother and child can understand.
That is how it began. After my lament of leaving and the following excitement, i had no idea what would happen. The ensuing roller coaster ride was still a secret to me when first I rolled into town in my uhaul and my independence. I was happy and found a place I love with such deepness that I know I will never call any other city “home”. This dusty, dry, windy place that is full of weirdos, scholars, freaks, hippies and the occasional businessy human won me over instantly.
Life Changing
Why does any of this matter? It matters because if you have ever been a throw away kid, a person of no kind reputation, an easily forgotten human, you will see that this tiny portion of my life is also the most important. I write to give the depressed hope for it is in every eye I look into. It offers a transparent view of how the mistakes we believe we make and can never recover from can actually change your life forever in a beautiful way.
I was raised in an oppressed environment and shown that I was, in fact, an adopted child. “Adopted” is not accurate even because they never saw fit to go through with that action. I was ignored as were huge and evil events that occurred in my life, brushed off and used. I never knew what it was like to make my own decisions or even to do the normal things rebellious teenagers do because my mom scared me every day of my life.
Then, at 19, I married a man who I loved so mightily and even took on his Christianity until I believed it was my own choice. I didn’t want to believe that he would ever show me anything but a strong Christian man, but by year two I found much of what I believed was false and my love misplaced. But I am stubborn and pig headed and stayed beyond my usefulness and his love.
I divorced him after ten years of marriage and two beautiful children and found myself in a place of happiness. That was, until I finished college and tried to get a job and found out that my seven years as a stay at home mother rendered me almost useless to society despite my intelligence and degree I earned at night. I also found myself at a loss for the children went to live with him.
I stood at a precipice. My life was shaken to the core because of my own actions, but I had a sense of bliss that stuck to me no matter how much I sobbed when I couldn’t tuck my children in, or how angry I became when my ex husband referred to me as Gomer from the Bible (if you don’t know the reference, I will be vulgar here and say she was the biggest whore in the good book), or even how disturbed I was when I realized my devotion to Christianity amounted to nothing more than a false sense of hope. I was stripped raw and had no idea what to do next.
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I met a man in the modern way (Facebook) and he taught me so much about the world I had hidden from so diligently. He was sweet and beautiful and no one would ever dare question his talent as a musician. He taught me how to think for myself, how to see beauty in the mundane and how love could feel when given with no filters. So I visited New Mexico, knowing nothing about it but for Bugs Bunny always wishing he had turned left at Albuquerque.
And in Albuquerque I was warmly and most lovingly welcomed. The man I met I fell in love with, I had crazy adventures and wild sex and found that henna is something I am passionate about even if I am only mediocre. It was the best week I had ever experienced- which we know would not be hard to accomplish for me up to then. I came back a second time and in October, I moved here.
I immediately had guilt over leaving my children and even now I still have leavings of that emotion. Within six months I was pregnant and this was the point at which my family chose to finally cut me out of their lives. I almost died before I could have my sweet new baby and no- that is not an exaggeration. I obviously made it through and was left with a premature, tiny MonChiChi of a daughter who I dote on.
Then I had to leave the man who drew me to my true home. I am no picky woman but I could not continue in the face of the reality of the relationship and spent the following year relying on my friends to offer me a place for my child and I to sleep, food for us to eat and money for gas so I could find a job. I am crying as I type this, because to say that life, though not detailed on any real way here, dealt me depressive darkness and resentment as the main theme of my hand of life poker would be understating by many a mile.
Whew. Are you still with me? That was a lot of vague sadness for which I apologize for, but you don’t want to hear about the paedophiles who groomed me, the mother who forgot to stop hitting me, or the detailed ways in which love can lead to hate and my sexual non importance. There is a point to this, I promise.
All of the hate, lust, violence, disappointment, self loathing and deep depressive states of mind have actually done me more good than harm. I am scarred, mangled, chewed up and digested. I am a pile of human goo that few care about in any deep way. But I am thankful for such things. In my current state, I am pliable, I flow with less restriction, I am strong minded and self confident. I now live with my wee moon girl, am about to go get my oldest children for a fun time in my favorite town, I have my first teaching job and my own car. I found the independence I have always craved and though it is scary, I find it the most refreshing took in my so-called belt.
I did it. I survived the darkness, my evil and selfish thoughts about the breath I felt I wasted. I survived love and have found it again. I am goo. I gross and slippery and hard to hold in your hand. I am resilient and have been beautifully tortured. I have found that family is truly what you choose for yourself, that to be in love I must love me, that no amount of piled and stinking manure can truly crush me and I somehow have become a warrior goddess in a world where it is not cherished to be one.
So to all of you throw away children, waifs that society has forgotten, all you who are about to slice the life from your flesh or drink another sorrow down with malice, I only have this to say to you:
I love you, though I do not know you. If you are in that dark place you have already survived and won. You just don’t know it. You and I share a constant struggle- an endless wave of reality that we have not signed up for. Our lives parallel no matter where you live and for this we are connected like mushrooms- deep and wide spread across the entire earth. I am you and you are me. We rock. We are beautiful because of our scars . We made it. Don’t you dare give up on me now…keep going as I did and you, too, will find your wounds and heal them.
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Acey May is an Educator and Henna artist. She was born in Yakima, Washington and lives in Albuquerque, NM. Acey is the illustrator on the forthcoming multimedia book, Bella the Caterpillar. Acey is also contributing illustrator on Fiona the Funkadelic Freckle Fairy multimedia children’s book. Read more about Acey here.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin uttered these words many moons ago and most educators today would agree. In Albuquerque NM, the Rail Yards Market provide just that opportunity to immerse yourself in learning using the hands-on approach. This week the Rail Yards Market is focusing on Wellness with activities surrounding this theme.
Food & You
In our STEAM Zone we are featuring the folks from YOU&FOOD! YOU&FOOD was founded in April 2012 by Christine Smith, they are dedicated to combating our country’s current obesity epidemic. YOU&FOOD serves as a voice to counter the processed food industry—this in turn helps people live healthier lives. Christine has a Ph.D. in Biochemistry (MB&B) from Yale University, a B.S. in Chemistry from Indiana University, and is a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant (CNWC) from American Fitness and Professionals & Associates (AFPA).
In the Children’s Zone there will be Zhenya of Circus Yoga for Kids at High Desert Yoga leading kiddos of any age and yoga experience level! Zhenya has been teaching yoga to adults, teens, children, families, mommas to be and even mommas and babies since 2011. She believes in the power of play to enliven community, trust, co-creation and radical inclusion. Circus Yoga artfully blends the wisdom of yoga, with the communal celebration of circus.
Singing and Dancing
On our Main Stage we have singing, belly dancing and Internationally known musician Keith Sanchez leads students from his music camp, the New Mexico Academy of Rock & Blues. For complete schedule and more info on each act, visit http://railyardsmarket.org and click on our calendar!
Wellness Matters
Wellness Matters because it affects everything we do and feel. We exist as individuals in a circular pattern where our physical health dictates our emotions which guide our actions which either lead to taking care of our bodies or not. Learn about wellness this Sunday at the Rail Yards Market and choose health for your life.
Find more health and wellness articles by Community Publishing by clicking here.
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this working 9 to 5,
putting in 40 hours just to stay alive
and fed
with roof over head
is driving me lazy.
Head in a daze
mouse in a maze
running out of time
and by the time that it’s time,
I have to give myself pep talks just to cook dinner.
and still,
I stay up too late
playing with words and paint
and biting my lip
with sexy thoughts unattained.
like a good lil sinner.
Mama’s almost winner.
I swear one day
I’m gonna get it all right!
For now,
I reap the stitches
of Manuel’s Mama
and make it so.
All that’s left
is all I need
to get right.
All that’s left
is to remember how to be whole.
And I know just the right
place to go.
Made a room for myself the other day
and dedicated it to all that is sacred.
You were there.
And I go there at least twice a day.
The acoustics are great.
And I say whatever I want to that room.
I pray to the four white walls
like the four directions,
look at myself new
in each reflection
and recognize my soul.
I go in that room and day dream
excitement and happiness for the world.
Those four walls have heard me try to be rapper a time or two.
Those four walls have felt me sing the blues
Those four walls and I sweat and stretch with each other.
Fingers tap keys
voice hits them sometimes
Everything’s a rhyme
when the realm is the reason.
I go here to be free.
Photo by Maria Meister
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You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.
Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.
If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.
If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.
if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness, the
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine.
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