Each time this year, as parades and fireworks fill our 4th of July celebrations, we celebrate
America’s birth as a nation. However, the Rail Yards Market (RYM) would like our community to consider celebrating this holiday by considering our Inter-dependence on each other and appreciate the holistic nature of our community, society and world.

One Market, One Community, One World, One Love
Lets think of how we treat other, how we treat the earth and natural resources, how nations interact with one another with the the realization that we are all connected. Think of how we can celebrate our freedom as a nation through working to improve our communities, our state, and other parts of the world, knowing that if they suffer, we suffer as well. Let’s celebrate knowing that we can all prosper together as a global community, a society and an interconnected community here in Albuquerque at the Rail Yards Market.
Inter-Dependence Day at the RYM
Rail Yards Market Live Art Zone sends a warm welcome out to the Southwest University of Visual Arts (SUVA)’s Junior student Torri Lester joining us on Sunday, July 6th, for our Market Day of Learning, Inspiration and the Live Demo Beauty of Oil Paints meeting the Canvas. RYM is proud to kick off our Suva Sponsorship presence with the artistic talents of Ms. Lester. Let yourself flow with us at RYM and the Spark of Creation that reflects our Interdependent ways of living. See you there!!!
The programming below is not affiliated with SUVA
At the Pop-Up Art Zone we will be featuring the art of Joel Davis. “A re-‐occurring theme in my work is the duality that occurs within nature and Society. I feel that everything we perceive and interact with contains opposing Truths. Using predominantly recycled materials such as Tile, Stone, Steel, Trash, And reclaimed wood, I attempt to create work that shows alternative perspectives To Social, Political, and Environmental issues. The other side of my creative process is just simply making an effort to create Art out of materials others have discarded. Often the found object Suggests the finished piece.”

The Children’s Zone is bringing in Keith Sanchez, internationally recognized singer-songwriter, who will be giving free lessons to the kiddos! Bring your own guitar and meet Keith at the Community Stage at 10!! Keith is the founder and lead instructor at the New Mexico Academy of Rock & Blues. Spots still available for their summer camp, please visit their website (http://www.nmarb.com) for more info. Keith is also an educator, has worked on movie and theatrical scores and is a creative collaborator at Community Publishing.
The Sustainability Zone brings the everyday chemical-free products of NM Organics! “We are a local small company focused on our lead product No Mo B.O pit cream! This is a natural deodorant made from organic products that contains no aluminum. Most deodorant has aluminum as the main ingredient as anti-perspirant. We also make a natural cleaner, laundry soap,lip balm and some other hand made products. We love to keep our family safe and want to do the same for you.” We welcome NM Organics into our RYM community!
PETriotic Animal Adoption

Attention Rail Yards Market community and animal lovers everywhere, on Sunday, July 6, we are hosting Animal Humane New Mexico for a PET-riotic Adoption Event! In partnership with Albuquerque Animal Welfare and ASPCA, they are bringing lots of adoptable dogs & kittens that are looking for homes! Kiss 97.3 will be broadcasting live. Come on down this Sunday and find your new best friend! Please share to help spread the word and find these animals a loving new home.
Fundraising at the RYM
Raven & the Sweet Potato Band will be hosting a fundraiser for us at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center on Thursday July 10 (6 pm-10 pm). Additionally, they will be performing this Sunday at the market! Tickets for the fundraiser will be available at the Information Booth at the market & by emailing railyardsmarket@gmail.com Local musicians supporting our local market: Whats your #LocalMotive
More Entertainment
As usual we will have our usual slew of entertainers, poets, and talented folks including but not limited to: Andean Flutes, Angelo Maresco, Dakari, and Georgio O’Neil, For the complete schedule please click here
Inter-Dependence Day
As a global society moving toward an uncertain future, we can gain comfort in knowing that together we can overcome any obstacles and climb any mountains. Let us take this holiday to celebrate Inter-dependence, and then to act according to the timeless dictum: Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno – One for all and all for one!
See You Sunday!!
Alex Paramo is an Author and Co-Founder of Community Publishing. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
We are proud to be a community partner and digital marketer at the Rail Yards Market.
#JoinOurCommunity at http://communitypublishing.org
Thank you to contributing writers: Anthony Fleg of the Native Health Initiative and independent Healing Artist April Parrish