We Strive On by Alex Paramo
For all the madness in our world,
where people teach children to pick up guns
For all the sadness in our world,
where children starve in sprawling slums…
In a society carved with hate,
where we are taught to fear our tears,
and tear down our empathy,
We strive on.
In the middle of all this madness,
and the cries amidst the sadness
we can hope for a better day,
but we must create a better way.
For all the destruction of livelihoods,
living things and
For all the desensitized masses,
misinformed folks, and
We strive on.
In the eye of all this madness
and beneath the cries of the unheard
we can hope for a better day,
Look your child in the eye, tell them you love them,
hold them,
and create a new way.
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Alex Paramo is a native New Yorker of Colombian descent. He is an Author and Co-Founder of Community Publishing. He currently resides in Albuquerque, NM. Read More about him here.
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as Multimedia Books while promoting literacy in our communities.