Community Publishing Announces Live-Stream / Podcast Promoting
New Mexico Arts & Small Business via Film Industry Professionals
ALBUQUERQUE, NM December 14, 2020 – The Albuquerque based media company, Community Publishing, is announcing the launch of a new hybrid Live-Stream / Podcast on Friday January 1, 2021 and every Friday thereafter. Sponsored by the leader in podcasting, Anchor FM, smARTalk will leverage the Film Industry Professionals in New Mexico to help promote the New Mexico Arts (of all mediums) community and small businesses by interviewing said professionals about their New Mexico based film projects. The show will be Livestreamed on Facebook and Twitter but will also be available to listen to as a podcast via Spotify, Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts.
Film Industry Actors, Directors, Screenwriters and other Professionals will be interviewed in 2 segments where they will discuss their specific project and their experience in New Mexico. Smaller micro-segments will feature New Mexican visual artists, musicians, writers and entrepreneurs. A veteran of the TV industry, the show’s host, Alex Paramo, will be pushing his guests to reveal social issues that they are passionate about. “To have an insightful, entertaining and meaningful conversation, I will be focusing on social causes that these folks are committed to working on. A great many folks you see on-screen have dedicated their time and resources to innovative and important social projects and that is what we will focus on.”
The premiere episode will feature City of Albuquerque, Cultural Services Deputy Director Hakim Bellamy. Mr. Bellamy is also Albuquerque’s Inaugural Poet Laureate, Author and Emcee. The micro-segments will feature local small business owner Mike Silva of Rude Boy Cookies, Chris Brennan of Reviva, Author Audrey McNamara, and Painter Lynnette Haozous. smARTalk Production Manager Colleen Elvidge states, “We want this show to be as representative of New Mexico culture(s) as possible. In leveraging the film community filming in New Mexico – Netflix, Universal Studios – we are aiming to shine the spotlight on the incredible group of talented artists of all mediums that are unique to New Mexico.”
Community Publishing is locally owned and operated out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Founded in 2015, Community Publishing publishes multimedia books & blog articles from artists of all mediums. The independent media company is focused on providing a platform for diverse content from creators of traditionally underrepresented communities.
smARTalk: Press Release
Janie and the Hummingbird Book Release
Albuquerque, NM
Local publishing company, Community Publishing announces the release of their 4th multimedia children’s book: the bilingual offering, Janie and the Hummingbird. The book release is scheduled for Saturday, May 28 beginning at 1:30 at the Cell Theatre. The book release event will include live music, percussion lessons for kids, a petting zoo and other children’s activities. Visit the Event Page for detailed information.
Janie and the Hummingbird is the brainchild of artist/musician/educator Seth Hoffman. Mr. Hoffman, a Wisconsin native, is a Fulbright Scholar having conducted research in New Zealand pertaining to integrating the arts into the curriculum. Mr. Hoffman plays solo and in the Temporary Tattoos. He tours the country regularly as a soloist.
Seth Hoffman has been writing and performing music for more than 17 years. As a college student in Madison, WI, Seth played the local coffee house and folk scene. When he was 21, he backpacked around Europe and was a street musician in Amsterdam, Prague, London, Paris, Venice and Barcelona.
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities. They specialize in multimedia books available in digital and print.
Weirdly’s World: Thank You & Good Night
I have been blogging about Astro Monk for 8 months now and have come to a point where my other projects and work place needs are overtaking my world I just don’t have the time right now to keep a weekly blog going.
This was a new thing for me and I had a lot of fun writing WEIRDLY’s WORLD and working with Alex Paramo and Community Publishing was an honor. He really is a great promoter of the ARTS. We both work in theater thats where we met and found we had a common interest in the arts.
Next up for me I will be working on 4 graphic novels and a painting series called GUM and ROBOTS inspired by pulp magazine covers and WACKY PACKS bubble gum cards from the 70s. So as you can see I have alot on my plate.
Farewell but not Goodbye
I won’t say this is the end of my blogging days as Alex generously has given me a open invitation to come back sometime. If you have been reading ASTRO MONK you can still find him at his home just without my commentary. Which could be good or bad depending… And with that I will say a very fond THANK YOU and GOOD NIGHT!
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Follow Dave’s Weirdly‘s World on Community Publishing: From the Community for the Community.
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
We are proud to be a community partner and digital marketer at the Rail Yards Market.
#JoinOurCommunity at
Weirdly’s World: High Art vs Low Art
By Dave Weirdly
This and That
Some new characters are being introduced in the ASTRO MONK saga by the names of GLOP and GUN. A thought gel and a talking gun that needs to be held.
I really had fun with this page in particular the first six panels were a blast to draw!
They feel very expressive to me. I sort of thought about making them bigger for gallery exhibition { I used to show in galleries.} but I think their good as they are.
High and Low
It’s really odd but when I dropped out of the gallery scene and just did comics I would get ” Oh now your just an illustrator”. Well no… I’m still just an artist I would say. Finally things are changing comics and illustrative works are starting to be considered more on the same level as so called high art. You see shows of this work in museum’s and galleries now where as 15 years ago these same places would have turned up there nose at this art forum.
I think people’s love of this work has demanded that the art world take a more sympathetic eye. We do live in a world that anything can be art after all. I don’t make any distinction from so called low art and high art it’s all art to me.
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Follow Dave’s Weirdly‘s World on Community Publishing: From the Community for the Community.
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
We are proud to be a community partner and digital marketer at the Rail Yards Market.
#JoinOurCommunity at
Life in the Fader: Savannah
By DJ Flo Fader
In this edition of Life in the Fader, DJ Flo Fader travels back to the days when he was simply known as Roscoe Floyd. Savannah, GA is a wonderfully beautiful city on the beach, chock full of talented artists and entertainers.
DJ Flo Fader Reminisces
“Savannah Ga. is my birthplace and start of my Grand Fantastic voyage. It’s history goes way back and was one of the 13 colonies first settled in the United States. My southern family taught me all about hard work, education, and love. This is where I developed my musical tastes and influences. I lived in Savannah until about 10 and absorbed as much as I could.
When I went to Savannah this past Thanksgiving I found myself embracing my city a bit more than I did as a kid. It’s rich in culture and the people from there are warm and inviting. If you ever get a chance to visit, I can guarantee you’ll love it!”
The Title Track for the Grand Fantastic Life of DJ Flo Fader
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DJ Flo Fader is currently the subject of a Multimedia Book project that will bring his biography to life through music, photography, and literature: The Grand Fantastic Life of Flo Fader will be published in the Fall, 2014 by Community Publishing.
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
#JoinOurCommunity at We are proud to be a community partner at the Rail Yards Market Albuquerque.