This picture was taken in a moment of being present earlier this week.
The NM sky seen through the sunroof in my car. I paused to embrace
the present before heading to work. Find more articles from Dr. Fleg's blog series, Writing to Heal, by clicking here. Find Dr. Fleg's book, Writing to Heal by clicking here.
Community Publishing Announces Live-Stream / Podcast Promoting New Mexico Arts & Small Business via Film Industry Professionals
ALBUQUERQUE, NM December 14, 2020 – The Albuquerque based media company, Community Publishing, is announcing the launch of a new hybrid Live-Stream / Podcast on Friday January 1, 2021 and every Friday thereafter. Sponsored by the leader in podcasting, Anchor FM, smARTalk will leverage the Film Industry Professionals in New Mexico to help promote the New Mexico Arts (of all mediums) community and small businesses by interviewing said professionals about their New Mexico based film projects. The show will be Livestreamed on Facebook and Twitter but will also be available to listen to as a podcast via Spotify, Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts.
Film Industry Actors, Directors, Screenwriters and other Professionals will be interviewed in 2 segments where they will discuss their specific project and their experience in New Mexico. Smaller micro-segments will feature New Mexican visual artists, musicians, writers and entrepreneurs. A veteran of the TV industry, the show’s host, Alex Paramo, will be pushing his guests to reveal social issues that they are passionate about. “To have an insightful, entertaining and meaningful conversation, I will be focusing on social causes that these folks are committed to working on. A great many folks you see on-screen have dedicated their time and resources to innovative and important social projects and that is what we will focus on.”
The premiere episode will feature City of Albuquerque, Cultural Services Deputy Director Hakim Bellamy. Mr. Bellamy is also Albuquerque’s Inaugural Poet Laureate, Author and Emcee. The micro-segments will feature local small business owner Mike Silva of Rude Boy Cookies, Chris Brennan of Reviva, Author Audrey McNamara, and Painter Lynnette Haozous. smARTalk Production Manager Colleen Elvidge states, “We want this show to be as representative of New Mexico culture(s) as possible. In leveraging the film community filming in New Mexico – Netflix, Universal Studios – we are aiming to shine the spotlight on the incredible group of talented artists of all mediums that are unique to New Mexico.”
Community Publishing is locally owned and operated out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Founded in 2015, Community Publishing publishes multimedia books & blog articles from artists of all mediums. The independent media company is focused on providing a platform for diverse content from creators of traditionally underrepresented communities. #####
En la conversación con la actriz y directora uruguaya hablamos del teatro en pandemia, del teatro comunitario y la propuesta de seguir haciendo arte juntos entre vecinos fortaleciendo los lazos, manteniendo la memoria, forjando la identidad y haciendo de esto una celebración.
La artista plástica Alejandra Di Lorenzo nos habla sobre el arte visual en esta pandemia. Las nuevas tecnologías para ver arte, la importancia de los técnicos y gestores en el arte y, aunque ve que la facilidad de ver arte desde las casas democratiza el arte también advierte sobre la importancia de aprender sobre arte, visitar los espacios (museos, galerías y centros culturales) y aprovechar las clases que se suelen ofrecer. Encuentre más información sobre as artista visitando:
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Community Publishing is from the community for the Community!
La pandemia del Covid-19 ha resaltado con crudeza inequidades que muchos hace tiempo planteamos deben ser revertidas, o aun mejor eliminadas. Entre quienes más han sufrido esta pandemia están los artistas dado que en prácticamente el 100% de los casos son autónomos y por lo tanto no tienen otra fuente de ingresos más que el producido por sus presentaciones en vivo o la venta de sus obras. Con el cierre de salas de espectáculos y galerías muchos fueron forzados a implementar modalidades virtuales para compartir sus trabajos así como dar clases. Esto no es nuevo, no es producto únicamente de una reacción ante la pandemia pero sí fue debido a esta que se impuso como única forma posible en la situación de confinamiento en el que se encuentra la mayor parte de la población mundial. Esta serie de entrevistas se enfoca en las vivencias de diferentes artistas, de diferentes formas de arte y en diferentes países pero con evidentes puntos en común y las ganas de proponer un futuro más equitativo, en particular el acceso a las condiciones para producir y apreciar arte, el acceso a la belleza. – Sebas
Sea este espacio también un tributo a los técnicos que ayudan a que las obras puedan ser apreciadas con la calidad que se merecen.
El Cantante
Conversamos con el cantante Martín De León sobre cómo lo encontró la pandemia en plena gira, la importancia de los técnicos y el público en vivo el cual, dice, puede hacerlos cantar horas.
Los inicios de Martín se remontan a los años 70 en Buenos Aires, con el movimiento café-concierto, junto a Miguel Saravia (su primer patrocinador), Opus 4, Cacho Tirao, Vinícius de Moraes, Maria Creuza, entre otros. En 1975 llega a Estados Unidos, contratado por el Café Latinoamericano de Manhattan. Actuó junto a Facundo Cabral, Ginamaría Hidalgo y el maestro Sabicas. Para obtener más información, haga clic aquí. Find more information and previous articles from Sebastian Pais here.
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Signs of the Times at the New Mexico State Fair by Alex Paramo
Walk around the New Mexico State Fair (NMSF) 2015 and you will be subject to a myriad of visual, audio and olfactory messages ranging from the subtle to the sublime. After a bit mental reorganization and physical reorientation, I decided to follow my nose and head towards the food court. At the food court, while enjoying an incredibly tasty burrito from Señor Tortas / Señor Tacos, I found myself noticing many of the colorfully creative promotional signs representing many of the food vendors. Among the signs that stood out were:
The organizers of the NMSF 2015 did a great job of mixing in local performers, such as Hakim Bellamy with nationally recognized bands such as Ozomatli. All in all the NMSF 2015 was a celebration of the diverse cultures that make New Mexico an extraordinary place to work and play.
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Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as Multimedia Books while promoting literacy in our communities.
People often comment to me that they notice my work with Community Publishing. I take that as positive commentary since the point of Community Publishing is to get people noticed. Community Publishing is much more than multimedia books (they are quite important), Digital Marketing (Indigenous Grafix) or Blogs but rather the creation of a media platform that will eventually become open access and free to use. Why would I embark on a project of such magnitude?
Taking Back Democracy
“If the public forum is not fully open, then those who control access become gatekeepers. If they charge money in return for access, then those with money have a greater ability to participate. Good ideas in the minds of men and women who cannot afford the price of admission to the public forum are then no longer available for consideration. The conversation of democracy then comes untethered from the rule of reason and can (is) being manipulated.”
The field of Media Studies provides countless examples of how the “main stream” media has fallen into the control of the hands of a few. Those countless few control what we view, hear, experience and ultimately shape how we perceive the world. These few are corporations controlled by the extremely wealthy.
This is one slide of a great infographic used in an Business Insider article. While this information is common knowledge the gravity of the situation seems lost on us.
Alternative Media
Alternative Media provides an outlet for regular folks like you and I to gain access to media from folks that have different viewpoints from folks from the ultra-wealthy corporate heads that currently control the majority of the media. Furthermore it allows for a diverse group of people to voice their views and concerns. It is crucial that we have as many viewpoints to generate more ideas and allow for greater creativity in our society.
Video Blog (Vlog)
With the idea of diversity of thought in mind, Community Publishing‘s Community Spotlight series strides towards promoting locally based artists of all mediums that are serving the interests of their community. The Community Spotlight Video Blog (Vlog) brings these artists and their ideas to audiences using video. Video is arguably the most effective type of media to engage audiences with. Here is our first installment utilizing the resources of our partner High Def Entertainment | Affinity Music Group.
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Our Community Spotlight Vlog is broadcast using our YouTube Channel (please subscribe). Please consider subscribing to Community Publishing – No Ads, No Spam, No Charge. Run a google search on Alternative Media and subscribe to them or start your own! Thank you for supporting local independent media and publishers like us. Spread the word, the power is in your hands.
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