By Alex Paramo
This article originally published in I am New Mexico
The great thinker/poet Rumi (the most popular poet in the U.S.) once stated, “Everything in the Universe is within you…ask all from yourself.” What does that mean in “real” terms and how can we apply it to our daily lives? Having just watched the Luc Besson movie Lucy (starring Scarlett Johanssen) I was moved to ponder the subject of the movie: human potential.
Rumi taught that the “Universe was within us,” in other words, since the Universe is infinite, we each have infinite potential. But how do we access it? In the movie Lucy, Johanssen’s character is given a drug that allows her to access the portion(s) of her brain that we do not. In practical conversation we ask: how can we do that in our life? Rumi answers, “Ask all from yourself.”
Sit, clear your mind and think about what is your passion in life in as far as an occupation is concerned. How would you like to identify yourself professionally? If your current job is your passion then you are quite fortunate, continue in your path! If your current job is not your passion, it is a tool. A tool, like a hammer can smash your hand or help you put in the first nail to the fulfilled life that you desire. Map out a practical plan for you to reach your passion. Use your tool to get you to that passion. It will take time and perceived risk, but in end it will be well worth it. On those days where you are glued to your bed, think about your passion, refer to your plan, pick up your tool and start building your dream. Remember: Ask all from yourself while you make the most of your each and everyday!
Community Publishing: From the Community For the Community
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Alex Paramo is an Author and Co-Founder of Community Publishing. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
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