Clean Your Home without Polluting Your Body By A.J Roche’
Most products that are used to clean your home can compromise your health. Bleach and other chemicals that are found in common household cleaners can be extremely harmful, especially when inhaled. They are also extremely bad for the environment.
In the last decade or so many companies have created products that can be just as effective as regular household cleansers, and are safe for you and the environment. You can even make your own cleaning product at home.
Diluted vinegar is an effective cleanser for toilets, mirrors,carpets, windows as well as kitchen and bath tiles. Vinegar also inhibits mildew and bacteria. Mix one cup of distilled white vinegar to one cup of water. It is that simple! Now you can use the vinegar and water solution to clean as you would with any other cleaner. Scrubbing with baking soda instead of a chlorinated powder is best when you need to scour.
Love and light and facing right! <3
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“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin uttered these words many moons ago and most educators today would agree. In Albuquerque NM, the Rail Yards Market provide just that opportunity to immerse yourself in learning using the hands-on approach. This week the Rail Yards Market is focusing on Wellness with activities surrounding this theme.
Food & You
In our STEAM Zone we are featuring the folks from YOU&FOOD! YOU&FOOD was founded in April 2012 by Christine Smith, they are dedicated to combating our country’s current obesity epidemic. YOU&FOOD serves as a voice to counter the processed food industry—this in turn helps people live healthier lives. Christine has a Ph.D. in Biochemistry (MB&B) from Yale University, a B.S. in Chemistry from Indiana University, and is a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant (CNWC) from American Fitness and Professionals & Associates (AFPA).
In the Children’s Zone there will be Zhenya of Circus Yoga for Kids at High Desert Yoga leading kiddos of any age and yoga experience level! Zhenya has been teaching yoga to adults, teens, children, families, mommas to be and even mommas and babies since 2011. She believes in the power of play to enliven community, trust, co-creation and radical inclusion. Circus Yoga artfully blends the wisdom of yoga, with the communal celebration of circus.
Singing and Dancing
On our Main Stage we have singing, belly dancing and Internationally known musician Keith Sanchez leads students from his music camp, the New Mexico Academy of Rock & Blues. For complete schedule and more info on each act, visit and click on our calendar!
Wellness Matters
Wellness Matters because it affects everything we do and feel. We exist as individuals in a circular pattern where our physical health dictates our emotions which guide our actions which either lead to taking care of our bodies or not. Learn about wellness this Sunday at the Rail Yards Market and choose health for your life.
Find more health and wellness articles by Community Publishing by clicking here.
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Winter is in full force around the world. In some places obviously more than others.This entry will provide you with some helpful tips on how to survive an avalanche.
Calm in the Eye of the Storm
The first thing to do in the event that you find yourself in the path of an avalanche is to stay calm. You must remain focused, for you only have seconds to react. If you see the avalanche coming towards you, shout loudly to alert others of the danger and to relay your position. If time permits, try to discard any items that may weigh you down. Turn your body away from the avalanche so your backside is facing the force. Always try to keep your backside against the oncoming avalanche. You want to cover you nose and mouth as much as possible to prevent snow from entering. Try to stay close to the top by making swimming motions. Try to work your way to the side of the avalanche where the snow has less momentum. Grab onto a tree, bush or large rock and hold on if possible.
Air in Your Hands
When the avalanche begins to slow, you will likely find yourself covered in snow. You want to thrust your hand or any other part of your body above the surface. When it has completely stopped, cup your hands over your face. Allow several inches of air space between your hands and face. This air supply should last approximately 30 minutes. Unless you can detect light or sky in the snow above you, DO NOT try to dig your way out! Quickly attempt to force your hand through the snow. If you fail to reach outside air right away stay calm and breathe into your hands. Digging will waste precious air and energy. Oxygen preservation will be key in this situation. Any companions or passerby’s not buried will likely locate you right away.
All winter sports entusiasts should be trained in avalanche safety. Appropriate rescue equipment such as a probe, small shovel, beacon and an avalanche cord should be handy at all times.
Search and Rescue: Surviving
When searching for someone caught in an avalanche , immediately search down hill from the location they were last seen. Always remember: Safety in numbers and preparation can make the difference between a tragedy and surviving. Love and light!
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Mermamma always said “You better eat your SEA VEGETABLES!” Marine algae and seaweed are vegetables of the sea. (Yes, Jessica Simpson, vegetables of the sea!) These vegetables have been considered to possess healing powers to prolong life, prevent disease and aid in the preservation of beauty and youthfulness. Kelp, kombu, dulce, Irish moss and nori (which is used to wrap seaweed), are the most common types of seaweed. Seaweed is a rich source of micro-nutrients and it also contains more calcium than milk, more protein than eggs and more iron than beef! To put it in a “seashell”…
On my never ending endeavor to be a healthy me, I came across a very interesting salad mix! Few people realize the importance of eating fruits and vegetables! Sea weed, known as the vegetable of the sea, is rich in calcium, iron and protein! So naturally, sea weed would be a wonderful base for a salad! I have attached a recipe for a basic sea weed salad! Feel free to add other veggies or fruits to your salad mix! If you do not have an international store you can easily find dry sea weed on Amazon.
Seaweed Salad
30 grams (1 oz) dry sea weed mix
1 tablespoon +1 teaspoon rice vinegar
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon sugar or substitute with ½ tablespoon agave
½ teaspoon salt (if desired)
½ teaspoon ginger juice
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
1 scallion finely chopped
½ cup chopped red grapes (optional)
Place dry sea weed in a large bowl and fill with cold water. If you like your sea weed crunchy, soak for five minutes, tender, soak for ten.
To make dressing, combine rice vinegar, sesame oil, soy sauce, sugar, salt, and ginger juice in a small bowl and whisk together.
Drain the sea weed and use your clean hands to squeeze out excess water. Dry the bowl and return sea weed along with dressing and sesame seeds to the bowl. Lightly toss. Plate salad mix and garnish with scallions.
Sea vegetables have more concentrated nutrition than vegetables that grow on land! Sea for yourself! Love and light!
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Hola again friends! It is important to stay healthy and hydrated. I was in town the other day, walking around with my teenager and we noticed tons of children, as young as one year of age, consuming soda pop!
One mother was even pouring some into a baby bottle! That is damaging on so many levels, (think of the gums and teeth of that poor child), but that wasn’t my main concern! My main concern is diabetes and bone deterioration! In short, carbonization is bad for the bones, and the artificial sweeteners that are added to everything from cereal to soda pops is a main culprit in the rise of childhood diabetes.
The harmful effects of soda pop
Bubbly beverages contain phosphoric acid, which is harmful to calcium metabolism and diminish bone mass. Consuming sodas and carbonated water increases your risk of osteoporosis. Carbonation can occur naturally in certain spring water which can also contain high levels of phosphoric acid. The best way to keep your bones healthy is to choose teas, light juice blends and flat spring water over carbonated beverages.
On a side note, most sweet beverages contain a sweetener called High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). HFCS is made when corn syrup undergoes an enzymatic process where the corn syrup is converted into different molecules, producing a highly concentrated sweetener at a very low sale point. This is what the USA has been putting in everything from cereals, to candies, to ketchup, to cokes in place of sugar. There are many health issues linked to HFCS. Please click on my links and research further if it is of interest to you! This is need to know info! “Cheers…and drink to your health!” Love and light!
Bubbly Brown Sugar
Here is some Bubbly Brown Sugar that is good and healthy for your body and spirit!
The diets of hundreds of centenarians who lived under modest circumstances were analyzed and the studies found that they ate less than the average amount. Some even fasted at times, either by choice or because of the lack of food or money. Most of the centenarians who were surveyed were known to follow the “three-quarters” rule. This is where the individual stops eating when they are three-quarters full. A reduction in caloric intake can increase life expectancy.
Smaller Meals, Frequent “Feast”
Eating three square meals daily is a cultural habit, not a biological need. Eating smaller portions 4-5 times daily delivers a steady stream of nutrients, energy and blood sugar. Smaller meals also help prevent overloading and access waste accumulation, which is easier on the digestive and metabolic systems. Smaller meals also help reduce the risk of heart disease.
You Are WHEN You Eat
The human body works off a circadian rhythm, meaning that the same foods one eats in the morning or afternoon will process differently in the body when eaten at night. When daily fats and proteins are eaten at breakfast, one tends to lose weight and waste and have more energy. Eating the same things at night produces fat cells that can increase weight, blood pressure and heart disease.
Varying Vegetarian
Studies have shown that vegetarians suffer fewer degenerative diseases and cancers, especially when adding substitute proteins such as nuts and beans to their diet. An estimated 1/3 of all cancer patients developed their disease as a result of insufficient whole plant fiber in their diets. If you love meat, you do not have to give it up entirely to enjoy longevity. Limiting your meat intake or eating meat only on the weekends can be a perfectly healthy and balanced approach.
Fresh, whole, organic foods will help you maintain your health and well being. Farm Fresh is the best, especially organic meats and produce. Many of the foods in the supermarkets have been slaughtered or picked weeks to months before they make it to the grocers’ shelf. These items are preserved by many artificial means, including nitrogen and aspartame. These additives make the food appear fresh though they are most likely past their nutritional prime. They are also treated with pesticides and artificial fertilizers, which lowers the nutritional value of food and can be toxic. Always try to buy organic when it comes to produce and meats; especially chicken, strawberries and blueberries, as well as any other porous fruits or vegetables.
Check out these Jack-o-lanterns from Food Revolution Community: Oranges with fresh fruit inside! As parents, we want the healthiest options for our kids everyday. On Halloween, we need to juggle our desire for a balanced diet for our children, with their desire for sweets! After a quick web-search here are some options:
Dark Chocolate is rich in Anti-Oxidants!
Chocolate dipped figs are rich in nutrition!
Soy Treats are full of protien!
Honey and/or sesame candy contain only 7 grams of sugar*
Pretzel Snacks!
Join us this Sunday, October 26 as we celebrate “Healthy Halloween” with tricks, treats, and more…
Arts and Education
Kayla Mansfield is an independent face painter, native to Albuquerque New Mexico. Kayla has been the resident face painter at the Railyards for the entire 2014 season, the Growers Market downtown on Saturdays, and Tasty Tuesdays and Hyder park. This time of year, Kayla is known for her Dia de los Muertos-style painting. Her fine line work a second to none. Kayla also does character performances. Mansfield spends much of her time exciting children, but thrives in the world of aduld body-painting, as well. She is available for personal bookings, birthday parties, celebrations, and other various occasions. This Sunday, Kayla will be demonstrating traditional style Dia de los Muertos face painting in the Traditional Zone at The RailYards Market. She will be teaching techniques and styles throughout the day, so that you may recreate them this Nov 2nd for Dia the los Muertos.
At the Pop-Up Gallery David Warfield Stires will be exhibiting will be an unique photographic experience of architectural abstractions as photographs. David Stires’ professional life began in publishing at Little, Brown & Co. on Beacon Hill in Boston. His career in publishing took him to New York where he lived for over 30 years. He began his photographic journey shortly after arriving in New York when a friend loaned him a Kodak folding bellows camera (120 film). While in New York he learned how to see in the streets and alleys and never stopped. He was fortunate to get to know some of the great photographers, eg, W.Eugene (Gene) Smith and David Vestal.
In the Children’s Zone we have the Southwest University of Visual Arts (SUVA) student Donnine Canamar working with children making Halloween Masks!
Stages of Entertainment
On our stages, the usual slew of talented folks will bring you Morning Movement, Poetry and Music. Click here for complete schedule.
Special guests Waylaid! Waylaid is A collective inspiration uniting the verb, the beat and the feet, Waylaid is not your momma’s smooth jazz! Waylaid is a confluence of poetry, hip hop, blues, jazz, funk and world beats. Waylaid is comprised of Hakim Be (the verb), Stuart Smith (the beat) and Donne “The Wychdokta” Lewis (the feet).
Costumes and Fun
Come on down in your Healthy Halloween best costumes and receive some treats and maybe a trick or two! Show off your costumes and receive some Rail Yards Market merch! See you Sunday!
In my never ending endeavor to stay true to myself and to nature, I have studied many different kinds of plants, herbs and flowers. I have noticed that many people suffer from skin ailments such as psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, warts, and cold sores. Below I will list certain plants, flowers and herbs that may aid in curing these ailments.
Healing Plants for Skin Conditions
Marigold (Calendula Officinalis)
Marigolds are simple to grow and are among the most effective healing plants. They provide a wonderful cure for sores, cuts and most skin lesions. Stock full of antibacterial properties and considered an antiseptic, it also contains tannin, which helps knot wounds together to speed up the healing process. It’s as simple as pressing the juice from fresh flowers and applying the “juice” directly to the skin/ wound. It is also known to help the skin condition known as psoriasis.
Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis)
Aloe Vera is a hassle-free house plant that can be grown in window sills and well lit areas. The gel inside of this pokey plant can be used directly from the plant and applied to the affected area. It has a long history of aiding in the relief of sun burns, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, cuts and minor abrasions. It can also be used on sore gums, mouth ulcers, or to soothe and heal cracked lips.
Celandine (Chelidonium Majus)
This plant does wonders for healing warts. Immediately upon picking a stem of Celandine, it will start to ooze a beautiful tangerine-yellow sap. Use Celandine everyday for 3 weeks and watch your warts disappear. (I have had no need to use this plant and cannot give you a personal opinion, but have seen firsthand its healing properties on others and have no problem promoting its ability to heal.)
Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabra)
This healing plant is not one to grow yourself, but very useful nonetheless. Glycyrrhizins, the active substances in liquorice are well known for healing many inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and even cold sores. It can also help fight allergies, hepatitis, tumor formation and cancer. There are many different ways to use this plant, so be specific when you are trying to “cure” something in particular. I will definitely be doing more research on this one!
Consult your Practitioner
Make sure as with all medications, Eastern or Western, you study the pros and cons, the contraindications, side effects and current known conclusions. Everybody’s body is different and no one knows you, better than you! Happy Healing! Love and light!