Love is All You Need by Pan Bourcier Hidalgo
Every cliché that you have ever heard in your life is true. Although in times of high emotion it is highly unnecessary to quote a universal truth, because we don’t need to state with words what we feel to be true. One of the most quoted truths is to follow your heart and following suit with that is that love is all you need. These are symbiotic, but who wants to sound like a Beatles record? (unless you are of course a Beatle..beetle?)
All too often we get caught up in trying to conceptualize what it means to be a human that exists in time and space atop a spinning rock that is colliding through the universe. I used to think that I was crazy when I would follow love, even if it took me across the country (or world for that matter). However, those journeys have been the most exciting rides of my life and have taught me the most valuable lessons.
The universe speaks to us in a language that we can understand; we have an inherent desire to experience love through another being, this brings us to such a tremendously full and present state that there is no other place that one would rather be when they are in that place. It is a full bodied, blissful place that leaves us feeling suspended in time. The moment our analytical mind comes in it brings us crashing to the floor wondering what happened.
This is something that I have been mulling over and sitting with and the end result is that as feeling beings we should follow bliss but follow it unabashedly and blindly. It will lead you to the
greatest lessons and greatest moments of your life. I am not saying that you will be skipping in daises and sliding down rainbows the whole time but ultimately it will lead you to having a deeper, more meaningful relationship with yourself and the world you experience.
Traveling to different geographical places puts us in a different time and space with ourselves. We have different mirrors that echo our reflection. It creates different lenses to see the world (and essentially ourselves) through. This place just so happened to be New Orleans for me. I realized that there is no wrong way to do anything; life is about discovery and experiences. Do everything the exact way that YOU would do it. Not the way your mom would, not the way your dad would, not the way your friends would, but the way that you would. Your individual style of living life fully is valid and truest to yourself.
Explore, discover, try new things, but most of all follow love blindly- it will lead you to yourself.
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Pan Bourcier Hidalgo is a Dancer who is originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico. She has relocated and embarked on a journey of discovery in New Orleans, Louisiana. Join her as she learns about her new city and herself in Pan’s Labyrinth!
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