By DJ Flo Fader and Alex Paramo
In the (music) industry, it is common to find artist featured on someone else’s album. The practice goes way back to the earliest days of hip hop when guest Emcees were featured on rapper albums. The practice of having guest stars featured on your project works both ways, to give you exposure and to increase exposure of the guest artist. Taking the feature to an extreme, the Rapture video by Blondie features rappers, graffiti artists and dancers in this multi-genre song.
Featured Folks
Similarly and within the same tradition, the multimedia book the Grand Fantastic Life of DJ Flo Fader will be featuring some internationally known talent as well as some local folks. Some of the featured artists included but not limited to: Masta Ace, J-Live, as well as Albuquerque Inaugural Poet Laureate Hakim Bellamy, Vocalist Xian Bass and Corrin Cameron. Here is a track that will be featured on the multimedia book:
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”75%” height=”337″ iframe=”true” /]
Lending a Hand
The idea of reciprocity is entrenched among artists of all mediums. Of course the reasons to contribute to someone else’s project go beyond expectations of a returned favor but rather some artists view lending their talents as an investment. Of course featuring different artist that cut across genres and mediums can sometimes lead to interesting pairings as in the pairing of Flea and Young MC – can you spot Flea?
Multimedia Stimulation
Now Featuring: The Grand Fantastic Life of DJ Flo Fader has its share of featured artists but it is no ordinary music project, photo essay or book, but rather a Multimedia Book. A Multimedia Book is the ultimate vehicle which allows for creative collaborations among (in this case): Musician/DJ, Photographer and Writer. Keep pace with the project by subscribing to Community Publishing below or at the top right hand corner of this page. Remember to Stay Chiseled.
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DJ Flo Fader
DJ Flo Fader is currently the subject of a Multimedia Book project that will bring his biography to life through music, photography, and literature: The Grand Fantastic Life of Flo Fader will be published in the Spring, 2015 by Community Publishing.
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
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