Breathing to Live, Living to Breathe by A.J. Roché
Tortoise have been documented to live well over 160 years. There are also legends of a apecial white tortoise that lived to be over 300 years old. This may be only a legend, but it does not dismiss the fact that the ancient masters so revere this magnificient creature. Tho tortoise knows how to completely regulate its’ breathing. This is the key to the longevity of a tortoise life.
One can experience a heightened state of alertness and connection to the universe through conscious breathing. The pressures of life can seem to wear us down at times. What if I told you that in 45 seconds, we can all obtain a full -body vibration of energy that will literally disolve stress instantly. Stress IS the root of many disorders. Learning breathing techniques, such as the Qi Gong Nine-Breath Method can be beneficial to your health.
The average person breathes 12-15 breaths per minute. A Qi Gong Practitioner can exhale one breath and make that exhale last 3 minutes. When air is processed through the system too fast, there is very little time to absorb the oxygen from the air. A tortoise takes a breath once every 2 minutes, allowing ample time for maximum oxygen absorbtion. Oxygen fights cancers and bacterial growths.
Slowing down your breathing will lessen stress and build up your immune system. Draw a deep breath into your nose for a count of at least 10 and then hold the breath in for at least another 10 count. Exhale through pusred lips for a count of at least 15. Repeat this process 8 more times, and as you begin to breathe properly over time, you can extend the length of your breathing and see ample results in your health. Love and light and breathing right!
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A.J Roche’ is a massage therapist and the Author of the bilingual multimedia book Fiona the Funkadelic Freckle Fairy. Read more about her
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