Clean Your Home without Polluting Your Body By A.J Roche’
Most products that are used to clean your home can compromise your health. Bleach and other chemicals that are found in common household cleaners can be extremely harmful, especially when inhaled. They are also extremely bad for the environment.
In the last decade or so many companies have created products that can be just as effective as regular household cleansers, and are safe for you and the environment. You can even make your own cleaning product at home.
Diluted vinegar is an effective cleanser for toilets, mirrors,carpets, windows as well as kitchen and bath tiles. Vinegar also inhibits mildew and bacteria. Mix one cup of distilled white vinegar to one cup of water. It is that simple! Now you can use the vinegar and water solution to clean as you would with any other cleaner. Scrubbing with baking soda instead of a chlorinated powder is best when you need to scour.
Love and light and facing right! <3
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A.J Roche’ is a massage therapist and the Author of the bilingual multimedia book Fiona the Funkadelic Freckle Fairy. Read more about her
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