Hello, I’m Dave Weirdly.
In the next coming weeks I will be serializing and blogging
about “Astro Monk” which is a Creator owned comic I write anddraw. In this first Image { The Cover } I wanted to do a posethat echos back to Astro Monks visual cousin Cammando Cody Sky Marshal of the Universe, a 1950s serial character.
My other influences for this story are the 1960s Outer Limts
TV show as well as early anime, Gigantor, Tobor the 8th Man and also the stylings of silver age comics both in dialogue
and visuals. All these influences have a common link to
the absurd. I’m an Absurdist so there you go. I never
really analyzed why I like this stuff so much I just do
sorta like laughing.
Originally this story was about Evil Doers and what to do with them. As I was working on the story it morphed into something more about transformation. Which makes sense. In stopping a behavior you have to transform yourself and perceptions. I like letting a story grow organically. When you create something alot of times at some point in the process it will tell you what it wants to be. I like and encourage this because it makes you feel connected to something larger than yourself.
More Astro Monk
Next week the Adventures of Astro Monk continues.
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