By Acey May
This summer there are so many things I have yet to experience since I have moved here 2 or so years ago. My kiddos, Tyler, Novalee and Luna are going to be exhausted. We always go to the zoo, the aquarium and hike in the Petroglyphs (with the kids saying every five seconds, “Ew! There is another centipede!!!!!!!!). My two oldest live in the Northwest so they aren’t used to all the icky bugs that dwell here. Quite frankly neither am I. Yikes…New Mexico…centipedes are super creepy.
Amusement Park
Anywho, This year we are going to Cliff’s amusement park. i have heard it is so small that it really isn’t worth going, but I say c’mon! I have been here this long and haven’t been to a cute little thing like that yet? So we will go get wet at the water side, spin on rides until we are sick and eat all kinds of kid spoiling food. Yep. I don’t care. We are going to have fun. Then we are going to the foothills to hike. They love to go hiking and Tyler has his own gear. I never knew about hiking up there until one of my friends told me about it. So i went and had a perfect moment of peace in so much chaos as of late. A giant grey, red moss covered wall rose behind me, the city was splayed out in all its tiny glory before me and I could hear perfectly the conversations that were happening. i could see the stride of people as the walked together. The uneven pace that lined up for a moment in time. It was perfect. So I am going to take my kids there. There are some amazing caves as well! So fun!
Summer Journal
Well I know so many people are going to blog about the things are going to do this summer, but I am super excited about it, so I hope you finish reading since you are so far into it anyway! =) Well we will be doing so much that this disorganized,, messy momma always needs a way to keep track of not only what the kids want to do but to keep a record of what has been done. So we always begin with a list. Since my kids are older now, they can write it out themselves and I sit there and play referee as they duke it out in silliness and overall strange ideas of both reality and physics. It is a sight to see actually- a sweet nine year old realizing he has met his match in his fiery 6 year old sister. But I have the last two years’ worth of lists and it is cute to see the evolution of their writing and maturity…or amazing strangeness really.
*Acey is currently working on Bella the Caterpillar, a children’s book in multimedia book format written by 7 year old Marisol Paramo with music by Christian Orellana.
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Acey May was born in Yakima, Washington but raised in Iowa. She pursued an Elementary Education degree at Washington University, and was required to take an Art Instruction class, where she began to experiment with art herself. Acey realized she had a love and talent for art. Her previous doodles lead her on a path to discover a love and passion for Henna design and tattoos, which are drawn on the skin. Acey has pioneered the use of Henna techniques on a standard canvas.
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia books while promoting literacy in our communities. #JoinOurCommunity at http://communitypublishing.org We are proud to be Marketers for the Rail Yards Market.