Funny Free Bees by A.J. Roché
Spring has sprung, now let’s have fun, I wrote jokes for everyone!
1. Lately I’ve come across a bunch of sour grapes. I guess people just aren’t raisin them right!
2. Question: If a plant is sad, do the other plants
photosympathize with it? (Not my joke )

3. When choosing a flower to kiss, always go with the Tulips! Tulips are better than one!
4. Be careful when driving after winter. The trees are releafing themselves!
5. I wanted to re-pot my plants but then realized I hadn’t botany!
6. By poplar demand, the trees are growing back!
7. The whole bunch was raisin awareness on how to achieve grapeness. A few wined!
8. I tried to plant a huge fungus free garden, there wasn’t mushroom!
9. Why was the baby tree put in timeout? Because he was knotty!
10. My friend tried to annoy me with her crazy bird noises. Jokes on her, toucan play at that game!
11. Why did the apples cross the street? Because they wanted to be on the other cider the road!
Read more of my series, the Pinpricks of a Busy Bee
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A.J Roche’
A.J Roche’ is a massage therapist and the Author of the bilingual multimedia book Fiona the Funkadelic Freckle Fairy. Read more about her
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