Shape Shifting by Pan Bourcier Hidalgo
There is a hesitation that breeds creativity. This momentum is raw potential that exists inside of us all. The gestation process gives birth to songs, paintings- human expression that helps us better understand ourselves. Sometimes what we wish to express cannot be said with words. The most beautiful landscapes of our minds are painted with feeling. If we cannot learn how to ride the tides of our own experiences in our bodies, how do we expect to flow to the wonderful places that life means to take us? Resistance is a very human reaction to life. Resistance to change, when the reality is that the only consistent factor we can rely on is change.
Personally I have changed more times than I can remember, I call it shape shifting. It happens faster and faster until I feel like one day I will not have a body to call home anymore. I encourage myself into this place of change and flux. It is where the magic happens, it is where my most beautiful creations are born. We are the composers to the orchestra of our lives. Playing a song together collectively and co-creating our experience. Recently I have come to understand how important sound is to me, that I have a musical spirit. Everything I weave is a song and I cannot imagine not making music. It is part of the fundamental flow and the key ingredient that holds me and makes me corporeal.
Bearing your soul on stage is not an easy task. It is a raw and real place to be, one that I am ready to share with the world. I weave myself into a tangible art form that can be digested and heard, felt and understood. Every day we learn what being at the center of our beings means to us and how to share being with the rest of our universe. We compose the notes to a symphony that we call life. And break the sound barriers of separation, the perception that we are apart from one another. We will bridge the gaps and sing this song together.
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Pan Bourcier Hidalgo is a Dancer who is originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico. She has relocated and embarked on a journey of discovery in New Orleans, Louisiana. Join her as she learns about her new city and herself in Pan’s Labyrinth!
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia books while promoting literacy in our communities. We are proud to be a community partner and digital marketer at the Rail Yards Market.
Community Publishing: From the Community For the Community