Movement is My Sanctuary by Pan Bourcier Hidalgo
It is easy to forget yourself when you are in motion. Inertia has its own way of making our blood pump and synchronize with the present place and time. There is an insatiable desire I carry around with me on a consistent basis, some would call this the human condition, I call it passion. My desire seems to be amplified significantly in comparison to many people I have experienced. It is vicious and feels similar to a black hole in my chest cavity that is consistently wrenching matter into its center, eating it and burning for more. As blissful as this desire can be, it can also be a tricky entity that challenges the mind to a game of chess on a board of sanity. This is where inertia enters stage right. Movement has been my sanctuary, my solace and a healing force over the years.
Life moves on with or without you. Some can try as hard as possible to remain stationary, but this is an illusion. Stillness is not a construct in this universe. Collapsing down into a more succinct subject matter, we come to the trees. The tree is a strong force and the symbiosis of its anatomy to human life is more intertwined than one could possibly understand. New Orleans is full of magnificent, inviolable trees. There is
a primeval wisdom that exists in all lifeforms. Reasons being that we are made of strands of information and have access to this information, through practice and receptivity we can tap into this vibration.
When life is too heavy to bear, climbing a tree stimulates the blood to pump, gives it motion,
and the chance to pulse through and mirror us into a digestible pieces of matter we call the mind. Mind can be a deep, dark place; when eyes remain shut it is even harder to see that we are the light filling the landscape. In all the trees I have climbed in New Orleans I have found a different story, a subtle and wonderful story waiting to be told. Symbiosis with the trees brings more than comfort to my spirit, it makes me understand that when I laugh, the tree laughs with me, we breathe together and share a shell. The home of the mind, no matter how dark, can be illuminated by a tree.
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Pan Bourcier Hidalgo is a Dancer who is originally from Albuquerque, New Mexico. She has relocated and embarked on a journey of discovery in New Orleans, Louisiana. Join her as she learns about her new city and herself in Pan’s Labyrinth!
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