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Rinita Mazumdar, Ph.D. is one of the leading feminist scholars in the Southwest. Originally from India, Dr. Mazumdar earned her Masters from India and Canada in Philosophy and MSc in Pscyhology from the University of Phoenix. She received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

Currently, she is an instructor of Philosophy and Women and Gender Studies at the Central New Mexico Community College and an affiliate Professor of Women Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of New Mexico. She has published books on Feminist and Gender theories. Her passion is poetry, art, and music. er Masters from India and Canada in Philosophy and MSc in Pscyhology from the University of Phoenix. She got her Ph.D. in Philosophy from University of Massachusetts in Amherst. She is an instructor of Philosophy and Women and Gender Studies at the Central New Mexico Community College and an affiliate Professor of Women Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of New Mexico.
Apsarai- Dance on the Rio Grande
Apsaras descend one by one On the beams of a hallowed twilight, As Laxmi’s owlii spreads her wings To bring in the solitary night…
Apsara silhouettes dance to Krishna’s flute Under the pale bluish moon…
As the owl carries on her back
The solitary Krishnaiii tune…
The Apsaras follow the descent of the notes Down far down
The river bed… as they Splash and float…
As the last rays of the fading sun melt in the horizon,
And the Earth is ready for a nightly hug…
She has published books on Feminist and Gender theories. Her passion is poetry, art, and music. Shiva’s Dance in Albuquerque, which contains her original artwork, is her first published book of poetry.
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