The Culmination of Creative Collaboration
The Grand Fantastic Life of DJ Flo Fader is a fictionalized biography of the life of Roscoe Floyd, DJ Flo Fader in multimedia eBook form. Author Alex Paramo skillfully weaves fact and fiction to produce a narrative that will have you engaged and entertained (English and Spanish version). Alex Lopez interprets the narrative using his many photographic talents. Poignant pictures push the narrative forward through emphasizing the beauty of important points and places. DJ Flo Fader personally adds his musical interpretation through his music. Many additional guest musicians/and MC’s both locally: Albuquerque Inaugural Poet Laureate Hakim Bellamy, Vocalist Xian Bass and internationally know: Masta Ace, J-Live are featured in this multi-sensory extravaganza! Our Cast:
- DJ Flo Fader (Roscoe Floyd) is an internationally-known DJ and Music Producer. He has work with notable acts such as: J-Live and Masta Ace
- Alex Lopez is a NYC based Photographer. He is an award-winning photographer whose notable works include his Subway Musicians, Summer in the City and Coney Islandseries respectively.
- Alex Paramo is an Albuquerque based Author. His multimedia eBook, Princess Marisol & the Moon Thieves is critically acclaimed and was adapted for the stage by FUSION Theatre Company. FUSION Theatre Company just recently completed their Summer 2014 run of Princess Marisol & the Moon Thieves the Play.
DJ Flo Fader Reminisces
“Man, I can remember like it was yesterday when I moved to the South Bronx back in early 2000. It was crazy how I wound up living in the birthplace of hip-hop. I had just landed a great job working for Seven Heads Ent. as a college radio music promoter in D.U.M.B.O. It was perfect. I had no reservations and high motivation. This was a grand fantastic start for me. The Grand Fantastic Life of Flo Fader is almost complete. Stay tuned and shout out to Boynton Ave!”
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DJ Flo Fader is currently the subject of a Multimedia Book project that will bring his biography to life through music, photography, and literature: The Grand Fantastic Life of Flo Fader will be published in the Fall, 2014 by Community Publishing.
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
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