“Son, you’re your own worst enemy!” My momma uttered those words to me more than once. Do you know that feeling of getting all tripped up on yourself, of doubting and second guessing yourself, of calling into question the validity of your own identity? I call this phenomenon the Tyranny of The Mind. I believe it to be the single biggest impediment to showing up as our most powerful and actualized selves.
Take the Power Back

One of the methods of coping with this enemy is to just settle into the normality of life as we know it, and quit attempting to rise above and show up as our more powerful selves, in which case, the tyrant in our minds has won. But if we ever get the notion to stretch beyond our current level of being, to rise up and take back the power, to become masterful people, that tyrant will do everything it can to quell our uprising. It will set to work in our minds, criticizing us, implanting doubts and fears, casting judgment upon us, paralyzing and impeding us at every turn. There is, however, a hidden treasure in this arrangement that, as we shall discover, is critical to the process of becoming, if we are up to the task. I know for myself, rising above this tyrant can sometimes feel like an impossible task. The past month and a half has been a series of battles that have seen my efforts be defeated over and over again. The fact that I am meeting such harsh resistance in my mind is a clear indication that I am moving in the right direction – the direction of leveling up, of stretching outside of my comfort zone, of growing myself into a stronger and more powerful human, of taking on a greater responsibility for how I show up in the world. And so, I dig in, deeper into my burning desire to become more fully me, more powerfully me, more authentically me. I may have been getting my ass kicked the past six weeks, but I’ve also been growing stronger through the process.
Irrationality in a Irrational World
Therein lies the secret. This week I reached back into my video vault and pulled one I created for Pi Day 2019, to remind myself of 3 important lessons that I extracted from the nature of Pi, an irrational number, that doesn’t behave like most numbers. Interesting what this number can show us about how to show up as more power-filled humans. Watch the video and see if you can apply these rather simple lessons to your efforts to show up more powerfully in the coming week. In a time when the external powers of our culture are being challenged for their abuses and shortcomings, from all directions, it is very important that we begin to grasp how significant is the seat of power that is our minds, and to engage in the hard work of mastering that power, toward the benefit of the larger whole. Read more about Rev here!
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