By Alex Paramo
*Originally published in April 2014
There are less than 2 weeks until the grand opening (May 4) of the Rail Yards Market and everyone involved is ramping up their efforts, doing their part, to make it the overwhelming success it is going to be.
But Why? What drives our desire to belong to a community?
Humanist psychologist Abraham Maslow developed the concept of a “hierarchy of needs” in his 1943 book, Motivation and Personality. This hierarchy suggests that people are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving on to other, more advanced needs. One of those needs is the need to belong which gives us a sense that we belong, we matter, we contribute.
Are there measurable benefits?
In 1986, social psychologists McMillan & Chavis formed the theory that has become the most widely accepted understanding of how communities work and why. They called this theory, “A Sense of Community.” A community of people thrives because it is based upon care. Community members care about each others well being because they know that each individual is essential for the survival of the whole.
Beyond the personal, communities foster:
- Greater participation in civic responsibilities thereby enhancing our democracy
- An increase in shopping local which benefits the local economy
- Giving a louder voice to group concerns brings important issues the attention they warrant
How do we build a community?
One person at a time. At the Rail Yards Market committee meetings, we are encouraged to bring people with us. Whoever might be interested in participating, whether they are established artists/musicians or someone that only has time to give, all are welcome: every contribution is appreciated.
Thanks to your help the 2014 season was a rousing success! We welcomed over 120,000 people, and vendors generated over $450,000 in business all with the help of over 16,000 volunteer hours! Our amazing story continues in 2015 and we welcome your help with open arms! If you are interested in volunteering, donating, partnering, sponsoring, educating, or participating in any way please visit our website for more info: http://railyardsmarket.org
Anything you can contribute is greatly appreciated and goes a long way toward revitalizing our community!
*Cover Illustration by John Barney. All rights reserved.
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Alex Paramo is originally from NYC and is of Colombian Ancestry He is an Author, Co-Founder of Community Publishing and Marketing Coordinator at the Rail Yards Market in Albuquerque, N.M.
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities. #JoinOurCommunity at http://communitypublishing.org We are proud to be a community partner in the Rail Yards Market.