Art is Life by Stephanie Galloway
Our relationship to art is makes us feel alive! When we see art it brings up emotions and thoughts which are part of what animates us. Looking at is an art piece shows us that people can use their bodies to create beauty.
We use our physical senses to process the art making us more in touch with our own bodies. So think about making some art with your body and bring art to life for someone by participating in Free Art Friday Albuquerque.
Please check out some more of my Free Art Friday Albuquerque articles here. Thank you for supporting local arts!
*More info about the featured image here
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Stephanie Galloway is from Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has been writing poetry since she was a child and still loves to explore the magic in words and their power to touch others deeply. She taught art to children as the Children Zone Leader of the Rail Yards Market and is the founder of Free Art Friday Albuquerque.
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as Multimedia Books while promoting literacy in our communities.
We are proud to be a community partner and digital marketer at the Rail Yards Market and the Monte Vista Fire Station. Need help with your web presence and social media marketing? Click here to find out how we can help you!
Community Publishing: From the Community For the Community