Dress to Impress by Alex Paramo
My mom always told me that (unfortunately) people will judge you by what you wear, therefore you must always “dress to impress”. Every area in the country has its own “style” of dress: Sophisticated in NYC, Surfer Style in Souther California, Cowboy dress in Texas, Plaid Shirts in the Northwest Coast, etc. In New Mexico and Albuquerque specifically there is a style as well “Burque Style”. Burque Style is marked by its air of independence, and freedom. The Southwest itself has traditionally been known as an area where folks can come to and reinvent themselves. There are also ancient “styles” that incorporate the local environment such as turquoiseThe Hispanic culture brings many colorful forms of dress especially during fiestas.
Erica Voges from Caustic Threads will demonstrating basic t-shirt weaving. She will also have shirts for sale, and will weave shirts that are purchased in front of others at no charge.
The presenter for the Children’s Zone this Sunday will be Lita Sandoval Administrator from Escuela del Sol Montessori. “Hats exist because of the need to preserve, even if only symbolically, the noblest part of human existence; the head and thus, thought. Head dressing is an old custom, a very old custom. Throughout time, humans have adorned their heads with bonnets, helmets, and crowns ranging from utilitarian in style to intricately flamboyant displays of tribe, status, personality, and individual creativity.” Combine found and handmade objets d’arte to create your very own ‘Crowning Glory’ and express your hat-titude! Join them for some headpiece making FUN!
Eryn Bent leads a talented lineup of Entertainers on our Main Stage. Complete Schedule click here.
All in all there is no set way to dress in New Mexico and that is part of its appeal. At the Rail Yards Market they will be celebrating “Burque Style” so be sure to dress to impress and to represent yourself as you would like! See you Sunday!
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Alex Paramo is a native New Yorker of Colombian descent. He is an Author and Co-Founder of Community Publishing. He currently resides in Albuquerque, NM. Read More about him here.
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