Discovering Wellness by Alex Paramo
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin uttered these words many moons ago and most educators today would agree. In Albuquerque NM, the Rail Yards Market provide just that opportunity to immerse yourself in learning using the hands-on approach. This week the Rail Yards Market is focusing on Wellness with activities surrounding this theme.
Food & You
In our STEAM Zone we are featuring the folks from YOU&FOOD! YOU&FOOD was founded in April 2012 by Christine Smith, they are dedicated to combating our country’s current obesity epidemic. YOU&FOOD serves as a voice to counter the processed food industry—this in turn helps people live healthier lives. Christine has a Ph.D. in Biochemistry (MB&B) from Yale University, a B.S. in Chemistry from Indiana University, and is a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant (CNWC) from American Fitness and Professionals & Associates (AFPA).
In the Children’s Zone there will be Zhenya of Circus Yoga for Kids at High Desert Yoga leading kiddos of any age and yoga experience level! Zhenya has been teaching yoga to adults, teens, children, families, mommas to be and even mommas and babies since 2011. She believes in the power of play to enliven community, trust, co-creation and radical inclusion. Circus Yoga artfully blends the wisdom of yoga, with the communal celebration of circus.
Singing and Dancing
On our Main Stage we have singing, belly dancing and Internationally known musician Keith Sanchez leads students from his music camp, the New Mexico Academy of Rock & Blues. For complete schedule and more info on each act, visit http://railyardsmarket.org and click on our calendar!
Wellness Matters
Wellness Matters because it affects everything we do and feel. We exist as individuals in a circular pattern where our physical health dictates our emotions which guide our actions which either lead to taking care of our bodies or not. Learn about wellness this Sunday at the Rail Yards Market and choose health for your life.
Find more health and wellness articles by Community Publishing by clicking here.
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Alex Paramo is an Author and Co-Founder of Community Publishing. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as Multimedia Books while promoting literacy in our communities.
We are proud to be a community partner and digital marketers at Rail Yards Market.
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