I have been blogging about Astro Monk for 8 months now and have come to a point where my other projects and work place needs are overtaking my world I just don’t have the time right now to keep a weekly blog going.
This was a new thing for me and I had a lot of fun writing WEIRDLY’s WORLD and working with Alex Paramo and Community Publishing was an honor. He really is a great promoter of the ARTS. We both work in theater thats where we met and found we had a common interest in the arts.
Next up for me I will be working on 4 graphic novels and a painting series called GUM and ROBOTS inspired by pulp magazine covers and WACKY PACKS bubble gum cards from the 70s. So as you can see I have alot on my plate.
Farewell but not Goodbye
I won’t say this is the end of my blogging days as Alex generously has given me a open invitation to come back sometime. If you have been reading ASTRO MONK you can still find him at his home weirdlycomics.com just without my commentary. Which could be good or bad depending… And with that I will say a very fond THANK YOU and GOOD NIGHT!
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