En la conversación con la actriz y directora uruguaya hablamos del teatro en pandemia, del teatro comunitario y la propuesta de seguir haciendo arte juntos entre vecinos fortaleciendo los lazos, manteniendo la memoria, forjando la identidad y haciendo de esto una celebración.
Aqui estoy de nuevo compartiendo en Community Publishing esta entrevista al amigo Federico Peixoto sobre su película documental “Tlacuilos” sobre la historia del graffiti en Centroamérica.
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Of course, positivity is easy when things are going as planned. But the useful tool that a positive attitude is- pleasant when things are well- is crucial when things are not going our way. Terrible to be told a positive attitude is a choice… And what to do with that information? Laying the responsibility back on our laps. Always a struggle- life. Always another harsh reality. True. But with practice this can become more instinctual and less of a chore. And, indeed, there is a euphoric uplift, a strength, a feeling of triumph. Gratefulness against all odds.
Divinity like yellow sunglasses, casts a new shade over everything. It is the decision and then the practice and make effective gratefulness. Plowing through hardship with positivity- there is power in that.
My children and i give thanks to all my fans and supporters. Visit my website.
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Audrey McNamara was born in Denver, CO and is based out of Venice Beach, CA. She is the illustrator on two Community Publishing’s Children’s Books. Princess Marisol & The Moon Thieves and Princess Marisol & The Portal both written by Alex Paramo. Follow Community Publishing on Facebook / Instagram.
Art Delivers Us From the Ordinary To The Extraordinary
by Stephanie Galloway
Art making is one of those activities that gives us the ability to observe our daily life experiences and see how they are connected to the bigger picture that makes up the entire Universe. Much like the act of looking at the night sky or the grand beauty of nature lets us realize that creation is not only about our little corner of the world but is part of a vast existence.
Art is a way for us to convey and understand the feelings connected with knowing that we are part of something that is infinite! This is why at times when we see a work of art it can give us the same sensation and wonder that seeing the Grand Canyon does. When we do art we can step out of the illusion that we are just defined by the small space we occupy and know that we are limitless!
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Stephanie Galloway
Stephanie Galloway is from Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has been writing poetry since she was a child and still loves to explore the magic in words and their power to touch others deeply. She taught art to children as the Children Zone Leader of the Rail Yards Market and is the founder of Free Art Friday Albuquerque. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as Multimedia Books while promoting literacy in our communities.
There is a certain freedom and excitement that comes with doing a Free Art Friday art drop. After making a piece of art and you get ready to let go of it there is a freedom in not being attached to what will happen to it. There is questions you ask yourself like: Will someone find it? Will someone like it? But once you do it a couple of times you become more comfortable with not having guaranteed answers to these questions.
Another thing you think about when doing an art drop is where would be a good spot to leave it. I usually pick a spot that has heavy foot traffic so it has better chance of being found but it is always fun to leave in an unsuspecting place that will surprise someone finding it too. The element of surprise and unknowing of the outcomes is the exciting part.
I do have hopes for the art when I put it out in a public place to be found and that hopes are that it will brighten the day of the person that finds it and gives a message that art has a place in the everyday lives of people in the community. We are all artists and have creativity to share and I hope Free Art Friday Albuquerque encourages people to make art and be an active participant in bring more art into their community because art is empowering and helps to build a strong community!
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Stephanie Galloway
Stephanie Galloway is from Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has been writing poetry since she was a child and still loves to explore the magic in words and their power to touch others deeply. She taught art to children as the Children Zone Leader of the Rail Yards Market and is the founder of Free Art Friday Albuquerque.
***** Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities. We are proud to be a community partner and digital marketer at the Rail Yards Market. Community Publishing: From the Community For the Community!
Art has the power to create positive social change because of its ability to motivate people to action through invoking strong emotions about an issue. When people see art they can feel a strong connection to it which inspires them to stand for a cause they believe in. For example if you think about protest images, poetry, and songs they are strongly associated with political movements. The art of protest posters and marching songs play a central part in most revolutionary change that has occurred in society.
Art is a strong voice for change that people can connect and identify with because it takes a revolutionary idea and helps others to more clearly visualize it! Art can move people to be active participants in the democratic process which makes it more people centered! So make art and be a positive force for change!
Find some more of my Free Art Friday Albuquerque articles here. Thank you for supporting local arts!
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Stephanie Galloway
Stephanie Galloway is from Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has been writing poetry since she was a child and still loves to explore the magic in words and their power to touch others deeply. She taught art to children as the Children Zone Leader of the Rail Yards Market and is the founder of Free Art Friday Albuquerque. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as Multimedia Books while promoting literacy in our communities.
The act of making and sharing art is a powerful way of bring people together to make human connections. A piece of art can start conversation and stimulates thought among people, building a way to communicate on a deeper level. Art gives us questions to ponder and an open space for our imagination to roam.
When we experience art it makes feel something we want to talk about. Part of the reason I started Free Art Friday Albuquerque is to connect artist with their community and reach out and help make meaningful experience for the art giver and receiver. Please consider sharing your art Friday and everyday.
Find some more of my Free Art Friday Albuquerque articles here. Thank you for supporting local arts!
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Stephanie Galloway
Stephanie Galloway is from Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has been writing poetry since she was a child and still loves to explore the magic in words and their power to touch others deeply. She taught art to children as the Children Zone Leader of the Rail Yards Market and is the founder of Free Art Friday Albuquerque. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as Multimedia Books while promoting literacy in our communities.
Ever since I started Free Art Friday Albuquerque I see the city I live in in a different way. As I explore the city I see the places I go to as art opportunities! Every space seems to hold the potential for leaving art in for someone to find. Bus stops, libraries, trees, park benches all start to look like places that could use more art.
Most public places I encounter now seem like good places to share art in. So it has made me more art minded and has me looking at the city I live in more positively and expand my ideas about where art belongs. Try sharing art in public spaces, you might learn something about your city that you didn’t already know!
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Stephanie Galloway
Stephanie Galloway is from Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has been writing poetry since she was a child and still loves to explore the magic in words and their power to touch others deeply. She taught art to children as the Children Zone Leader of the Rail Yards Market and is the founder of Free Art Friday Albuquerque. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as Multimedia Books while promoting literacy in our communities.
I grew up in Jackson Height, Queens, NYC. It take roughly 60 minutes to travel from my “house” to the Theater District in Manhattan, where magic on the stage is in continuous flow. Funny thing is that my friends and I born and raised NYer’s, talk about where we lived in terms of “house” when most of us actually lived in apartments. And most of us did not have the pleasure of experiencing a play on Broadway. Why? Because most of us were from working-poor families and could not afford it. Broadway plays were not part of our paradigm.
Broadway Noise and Funk
The first Broadway show I attended was Bring in da’ Noise, Bring in da’ Funk. It was an exciting, multi-sensory experience! The music, the dancing, the ambiance was pure joy. Due to this first exposure to live theater, I developed a greater appreciation for actors, performers and the act of writing for a live performances. Since that time I have come to personally believe that playwriting is the highest writing form!
Princess Marisol & the Moon Thieves
Leaving NYC was a big decision for me, as one would imagine. I missed my family of friends, my family, as well as the rhythm and the pace of the city. I first visited New Mexico to attend the Gathering of Nations PowWow. New Mexico, so enchanting with it’s beauty, lure and mysticism promised to deliver to me the life that I never imagined as a kid, walking up and down the crowded streets of NYC. It was during that first visit that I came into the acquaintance of two talented musicians, Matias Pizarro and Keith Sanchez, who along with Glenn ‘Buddha’ Benevidez and Todd Sanchez formed the phenomenal band Stoic Frame. I developed a fast friendship with both of them and admired their talents from afar until I moved to New Mexico. Read more about Stoic Frame by clicking here
The Land of Enchantment
In New Mexico, the Universe delivered to me a gift named Marisol (Spanish for Sun and Sea), the Princess of My Soul. She was the spark that ignited the process that enabled me to share the story of Princess Marisol & the Moon Thieves with everyone. Princess Marisol & the Moon Thieves is based upon the real life characters: Marisol Paramo (Princess Marisol), Matias Pizarro and Juan Carlos Ramirez (the Moon Thieves) and their interactions. The fact that these two rock & roll musicians visiting from Los Angeles would spend part of their time making a little girl laugh was heartwarming.
To Laugh and Cry
Narrated by the amazing vocalist Jackie Zamora, and Illustrated by the immensely talented Audrey McNamara, my little Marisol executes the voice of Princess Marisol in this whimsical story about a little girl that discovers her voice – her confidence: and two mischevious musicians who steal the Moon. The soundtrack is a brilliant eclectic set of melodies by Diplomacy of Mad Science (Matias Pizarro and Juan Carlos Ramirez) featuring Latin, Electronica, Pop, African and Pop sounds to mention just a few. On page 23 Marisol, who was 5 at the time, sings! I have listened to it often and it often makes me cry tears of joy. I am so proud of my 7 year old Marisol, great granddaughter to a Navajo Medicine Man. She is bright, creative, articulate and full of a lifelong of ideas!
FUSION Theatre Company
When I first received a call from Dennis Gromelski, Executive Director of FUSION Theatre Company, I could not think straight. My mind was in a fog as I though to myself, “a professional theater company wants to take my story and make it into a play.” Not only that, Dennis informed me that award winning playwright Jen Silverman would be adapting my story for the stage! To top it off, my old friend Keith Sanchez would be writing the score for the play and performing it. For a guy from Queens, NYC, that never attended a Broadway play, the honor of my story being adapted for the stage is almost overwhelming.
When my time in this dimension comes to a close my Marisol can say two things with pride about her daddy: “he wrote a book about me that was made into a play” and “he taught me what God is: God is Love.”
Performance Schedule
Performance schedule and information can be found by clicking here. More information and to purchase my bilingual Multimedia Book can be found by clicking here.
*Article Originally Published in June of 2014 ***** I would like to thank everyone mentioned and a few others involved in the production of my multimedia story including but not limited to: super talented musical contributor Christian Orellana, my partner in life and love Yvette Sandoval and my mom who gave her all to put food on the table for me and my brothers. A special salute to all the wonderful sound engineers!
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Your Art Makes the World A Better Place by Stephanie Galloway
People often wonder what they can do to make a positive difference in the world. One way to make the world better is sharing art! Art can bring a smile to people’s faces and let them know that they are loved! When someone finds your art on Free Art Friday it lets them know that someone cares about them.
You taking the time to make a piece of art for them to find shows them that they are worthy of your time. This act of kindness is so much bigger than just one person and the grandness of its impact can be felt by the entire world!
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Stephanie Galloway
Stephanie Galloway is from Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has been writing poetry since she was a child and still loves to explore the magic in words and their power to touch others deeply. She taught art to children as the Children Zone Leader of the Rail Yards Market and is the founder of Free Art Friday Albuquerque. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as Multimedia Books while promoting literacy in our communities.