By Alex Paramo
Serious conversation regarding the gradual degradation of our environment no longer centers around ‘if’ but ‘when’ or in other words, ‘how long.’ How long do we have until our planet can no longer sustain our species, Homo Sapiens-Sapiens. How long can the planet sustain the damage that we have done to it and still provide us with the gift of life? At the Rail Yards Market we have discussed and implemented some eco-friendly initiatives with the goal of sustainability at their core.
Getting Rid of the Bottleneck
One such initiative is the move from bottled water to having a water refill station using compostable cups! For one dollar, visitors get a cup and they are entitled to unlimited refills. We are also excited to announce that the forward-thinking folks at Osceola Energy are powering our main stage using solar energy! Osceola Energy is a local company specializing in Electrical Contracting and Renewable Energy Systems.
Educational Zones
At our Sustainability Zone we welcome the NM Watershed Resources Network. The NM Watershed Resources Network is a “coalition promoting sustainable solutions for communities through green infrastructure and watershed restoration.”
The Children’s Zone features the irreplaceable Artist/Musician/Educator Stephanie Galloway leading the kiddos in hat-making using Newspapers, feathers and other craft supplies.
At the Live Arts Zone is proud to present a native New Mexican Artist, Deana McGuffin www.mcguffinboots.com, for an all day set on August 3rd! Deana has been making custom cowboy boots for 25 years. Deana’s grandfather, C. C. McGuffin, was 27 when he left Texas to set up his own boot shop in the Roswell, New Mexico courthouse square in 1915. His son L. W., Deana’s father, showed early natural artistic ability that turned him into one of the southwest’s finest and most sought-after leather-craftsmen. Father and daughter have demonstrated their craft at the Smithsonian, at New Mexico Folklife Festivals, at the University of Wyoming Art Museum in Laramie, the Gathering of Gear in Elk, Nevada, and were featured in the “Sole Mates” exhibit at the New Mexico Museum of Art in Santa Fe in 2010. Join us on Sunday to see how the best of the best gets those Boots a Walkin’!
As usual we present Albuquerque’s top Poets, Musicians, and Entertainers on both our Community and Main Stage. This Sunday at 2pm we are excited to present the world-renowned dancers from the National Institute of Flamenco on our Main Stage. Full schedule can be found by clicking here.
As part of our commitment to the local economy and our community at-large, we will have our usual variety of food, vendors and growers to choose from with a mix of some new folks!
At the Rail Yards Market we know that our efforts alone cannot begin to address the critical condition of our environment. Our aim is to help educate our community to work together to promote a sustainable city that can serve as a model for communities around the country. See you Sunday!
Alex Paramo is an Author and Co-Founder of Community Publishing. Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
We are proud to be a community partner and digital marketer at the Rail Yards Market.#JoinOurCommunity at http://communitypublishing.org