Kill the Radio by Nick Fury
Growing up during the 1980’s and 1990’s I admit to listening to the radio a fair amount. The radio with its weekly top forty countdowns and coast to coast talented gene pool gave me a sense of what a lot of great artists were up to. And of course you still had to suffer through the commercials but somehow even that was tolerable. You could slide along dial and engage a real culture in a very efficient way. The radio was the first World Wide Web, the first means of sharing information with mass amounts of people throughout the world. It was generally wholesome and promoted mostly good music…
Then along came Clear Channel. A company that quickly absorbed the radio industry, made radio its’ b%#&h thus degrading the very fabric of that once brave beacon.
Now that once green pasture has become a barren wasteland of talentless hacks, info-morons, blowhards, studio gangstaz, mediocre entertainers and commercial interests. This egregious misuse and misrepresentation of the radio waves has sparked a nationwide debate. This social movement is defined by the power to #KTR, or #KillTheRadio.
Bandwidth No Name
Fast forward to 2015. A talented funk-hip-hop-soul group called Bandwidth No Name http://www.bandwidthnoname.com also known as #BNN began working on a new song. A song that would one day change the face of history, a song that would spark the movement leading the people away from corporate greed and cookie cutter boy bands. This was bigger than disc jockeys, bigger than global warming (sort of) and it all began with the idea that we should kill our radios and stop the evil frequencies from penetrating our minds. The radio has become a symbol of conditioning and mediocrity and it must be stopped.
In June of 2015 released the single for the song “Kill the Radio” https://soundcloud.com/bandwidth-no-name/kill-the-radio which has become a prophetic anthem of the people. Kill the Radio is both a well composed social diatribe and a rootin,’ tootin,’ funky good time.
Following the release of the single, the MUSIC VIDEO for Kill The Radio has become a huge success reaching near cult status in a short span of time. See the MUSIC VIDEO here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjIouRqpR0g
This video was conceived and developed conceptually by Bandwidth No Name with a singular goal in mind to spread the word world wide that we must all sever our ties and stop the negative radio influence by using some force.
Nick Speak To Radio
BNN front-man/emcee Nick Furious had this to say about the radio and the culture surrounding the radio:
“Yo I came out and said it, and do not regret it what goes on the airwaves is fully pathetic
filled with bad rhetoric and no real aesthetic, it’s a bad epidemic in need of a medic disc Jockeys are monkeys, corporate spoke models, selling a product to increase them ad dollars. The songs are all pointless like A Little Wayne banger, we like substantive music that doesn’t breed anger confusion and pain are the aim of their game, I support NPR but the rest are so lame put a flame to your boom box, smash your receivers, it’s time to take back from you under achievers no more Toby Keith or Justin Bieber, catch the fever, fear the reaper surround all stereos, murder your radio, let art catalyze naturally in local groves.”
The video for Kill the Radio was fortunate to have director of photography Tim McClelland to bring their thoughts to life in a way that is visually stimulating and also story telling. The video had an excellent editor in BNN band member Alexander Wilson, who worked tirelessly, and for free, to piece together a fabulous story. Lastly, the video was directed by Band member and front man Nick “Furious” Meyers in attempt to truly convey frustration in an artful and intelligent way. Meyers directed this masterpiece, his second directing attempt, with a Tarantino esque ferver. The final product is a video to die for, so to speak. This video is one worth watching a few times and sharing with your circles.
So get out there, take back the underground and help Bandwidth No Name #KillTheRadio for once and for all by supporting your local powerhouse music makers.
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Nick “Furious” Meyers is a longtime veteran of the New Mexico Music scene. Nick has worked with Community Publishing in the past, having served as the Audio Engineer on the multimedia children’s book, Fiona the Funkadelic Freckile Fairy. Nick is currently working working as the Audio Engineer on the Animated multimedia book, Bella the Caterpillar (written by 7yr old Marisol Paramo) to be published in the late Fall by Community Publishing: From the Community For the Community!
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
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