Create a Self-Watering Garden in 7 Easy Steps by the Gassman Dan Garduno
Here’s a simple self watering system for your individual garden plants while helping the environment and lessen the burden on our overcrowded landfills. Here’s how:
- Upcycle a used water bottle.
- Cut the bottom off.
- Puncture a small hole into the bottle cap.
- Dig a hole next to your plant and near the roots.
- Submerge bottle into hole with cap side down.
- Fill dirt back around outside perimeter of bottle.
- Fill bottle with water and let it drip into the soil and roots!
Its just that simple! Subscribe today to Community Publishing and get my articles in your email inbox at no cost to you. Thanks from the Glassman!
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“The Glassman” will be posting more blogs and ideas as well as hosting many workshops on Self-sustainability, urban farming/agriculture, windowsill gardening, composting, upcycling, self water planters and grow beds, solar passive heating, collecting and purifying rain water, mass heaters and rocket stoves, papercrete, hemp cement, and so much more throughout 2015!
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