Information for the Native American Church Book
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Princess Marisol & The Portal
Bella The Caterpillar
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Shiva Dancing in Albuquerque Slide
Native American Church

Diversity in the Arts & Media

We are committed to bringing books, blogs and multimedia that are diverse in both content and the authors, artists, musicians that create them. Click on a book image above for more info!


Presale: Signed Copies
During these difficult days of uncertainty, we must dig deep within ourselves to find our inner-strength and motivation. Dr. Anthony Fleg provides a roadmap with Writing to Heal: The Hou “Writing to Heal is a project that began in the throes of the pandemic, March 2020. I write with an expectation that words heal, that stories heal. I write with understanding that each of us carries beautiful gifts for healing, hoping that I can help us awaken these gifts on an individual and collective level."

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Now Available

Traditional Medicine
From noted scholar Eliseo “Cheo” Torres comes The Three Great Ones: Los Tres Grandes. This bilingual edition was edited by Timothy Sawyer Jr., translated by Mario Esteban del Ángel Guevara with Illustrations by Dave Briggs. Retired as a Vice President of Student Affairs from the University of New Mexico, Cheo is now a part-time faculty member teaching traditional medicine, Curanderismo courses year-round. "The three healers lived in the late 1800s and early 1900s and were legends while they were alive, healing peoples’ minds, bodies and spirits."

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Peace Blog

Don't Take Me Away
From noted scholar Eliseo “Cheo” Torres comes The Three Great Ones: Los Tres Grandes. This bilingual edition was edited by Timothy Sawyer Jr., translated by Mario Esteban del Ángel Guevara with Illustrations by Dave Briggs. Retired as a Vice President of Student Affairs from the University of New Mexico, Cheo is now a part-time faculty member teaching traditional medicine, Curanderismo courses year-round. "The three healers lived in the late 1800s and early 1900s and were legends while they were alive, healing peoples’ minds, bodies and spirits."

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