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Native American Church

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We are committed to bringing books, blogs and multimedia that are diverse in both content and the authors, artists, musicians that create them. Click on a book image above for more info!

Now Available

From noted scholar Eliseo “Cheo” Torres PhD comes The Three Great Ones: Los Tres Grandes. Retired as a Vice President of Student Affairs from the University of New Mexico, Cheo is now a part-time faculty teaching traditional medicine, Curanderismo courses year-round.

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Now On Sale

It seems like the media is filled with stories about global conflict with extraordinary violence and disdain for life. Society indeed seems like its on the brink of collapse with everything that makes us human being threatened by war, genocide, disease and famine. From Rinita Mazumdar, PhD comes a translation, with additional commentary and analysis, of Sandip Mukherji’s Noakhali 1946. Your presale purchase entitles you to a discounted price as well as signed copies from Dr. Mazumdar.

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Logic In Love

Is Love quantifiable? Is Love a place, state of mind or all just in our imagination? Using the wisdoms of great thinkers like Erich Frohmm, bell hooks, Thich Nhat Hanh, Thomas Merton, Marianne Williamson, Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa, while borrowing from teacher/prophets such as the Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohammad, and syncretized with the art of poets like Rumi, Pablo Neruda, Lord Byron and many others, Author Alex Paramo ascends on the journey towards finding the secrets to love in it’s truest form.

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