Los Tres Grandes
From noted scholar Eliseo “Cheo” Torres comes The Three Great Ones: Los Tres Grandes. This bilingual edition was edited by Timothy Sawyer Jr., translated by Mario Esteban del Ángel Guevara with Illustrations by Dave Briggs.
Eliseo “Cheo’ Torres PhD
Retired as a Vice President of Student Affairs from the University of New Mexico, Cheo is now a part-time faculty member teaching traditional medicine, Curanderismo courses year-round. Cheo regularly lectures and offers a 2-week summer class and 2 online courses on the history, herbal remedies, and rituals of Curanderismo to audiences ranging from scholars and students to people hoping to become knowledgeable about alternative and traditional medicine, including lay people and medical professionals alike.
Three Great Healers
The three healers lived in the late 1800s and early 1900s and were legends while they were alive, healing peoples’ minds, bodies and spirits. I have been impressed with their popularity, which I think compares to that of modern rock stars. Everywhere they went, they attracted hundreds of followers. All three were noble, sincere and humble, and they never charged a fee for their services. The three were even considered folk saints while they were still alive. (A folk saint is not a recognized church saint but a saint of the people. To be considered a saint while still alive is very unusual).
Although the three great ones died a long time ago, the stories in the book are told as if they are still living today – which, in a sense, they are, since they are still greatly admired and talked about by people who remember their history and the great example that they set as healers and as people. In the first story, you will meet Don Pedrito Jaramillo, who will teach a young man how to be happier and healthier; in the second, you will meet Teresita, and learn the story of how she became a healer; and in the third, you will meet El Niño Fidencio, who will teach a family how to overcome their troubles by being happy and positive. – Excerpt from the Preface of the book.