
Joseph Garcia

Joseph Garcia

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Successful Defiance by Joseph Garcia

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Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
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Joseph Garcia – Successful Defiance

View all of our Poetry Blog Poems. Dr. Joseph Garcia was our in-house poet in 2014. Read his poems here.

Joseph GarciaIn His Words

I hail from a tradition of self-respect. Of mothers and aunts who show no quarter to fools and speak their minds. Of people undaunted by years struggle in the segregated cotton fields of south Texas. Of vast fields and plains, where the original ‘cowboy’ – vaquero rode the land and will again.

Where there is no chivalry and never was, but the struggle to survive in a land of violence and massacre to keep at bey the ancient cultures and ideas of land tenure. Music is the source of life and corridos of many a type, it is the passion that never ends as the musical note lasts longer than the empires reign! To teach, to work in all but few trades to learn the empires language and custom but remain true to the idea of never being accepted or accepting the shackles of blame.

Joseph Garcia was born and raised in South Texas. He earned a Bachelors Degree from Texas A&M University, a Masters Degree from the University of New Mexico. He is currently a PhD Candidate in Latin American Studies at the University of New Mexico, where he teaches Chicana and Chicano Studies. Joseph was also a Peace Corp volunteer working in Paraguay.

Joseph is creating a multimedia anthology of his poetry – Successful Defiance – to be published by Community Publishing. This multimedia anthology will include Joseph’s music, and art in addition to his poetry and thoughts.

Joseph Garcia is a Poet – Creative Collaborator at Community Publishing.
Community Publishing brings local artists of all mediums together in creative collaborations for distribution as multimedia eBooks while promoting literacy in our communities.
#JoinOurCommunity at http://communitypublishing.org

Community Publishing is a proud partner at the Rail Yards Market.